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Hello!!! Another update in two days..or 3...

"Naruto, that was some statement."I said after we went back up. "...But I know up can accomplish it! You gotta prove that jerk wrong!" He grinned. "I wonder who is going to fight next. There's only a few left. It's Choji, Dosu, Gaara and Lee. I can't wait to see though!"

Choji doesn't look so good though. He looks out of it but  Asuma just said something and that made Choji fired up. Choji shouted 'All You Can Eat' so he must of bribed him with food.

Kankuro walked over to us. Great. Like I feel like standing near him.

"Why aren't you hanging out with your other buddies?" He asked.

"What's it to you?"

"....So tell me something about this Neji. I get the feeling we didn't see the full extent of his power in the last fight. So what's his story?"Kankuro asked.

"I'm going to pulverize him! That's his story."Naruto stated with his fist in the air.

"Okay but that's not what I meant. You know, you seem like a nice guy. I like you."

"Well, don't take this the wrong way but I don't like you!"Naruto replied bluntly. I giggled. Kankuro gave him 'you're dead' look. Then the next names for the fights came up.

"YAAAAH! SAFE AGAIN!" Choji suddenly shouted. Ino and Shikamaru punched him on the head. What a coward. The names were Rock Lee vs Gaara. Lee quickly went down to the arena.

"I knew that sooner or later that we'll have to meet and I'm glad that it's sooner!"Lee greeted.

"He'll never take Gaara down."Kankuro assured smugly. "Not in this life time."

"Wrong." Me and Naruto said instantaneously. "Lee's stronger than you think! You have no idea. Just watch."

Lee charged at the moment Hayate said 'Begin'. He tried to use his Leaf Hurricane but Gaara protected himself with the sand. I guess that's what in the giant gourd. Each time Lee tried to kick Gaara, his sand would shield him. Nothing would work. The sand even grabbed Lee's leg and swung him against the wall but he got back up. The sand tripped Lee and hovered over him. He then jumped up to the statue in the room.

"Alright Lee...Take them off!" Gai ordered.

Take what off?

"But Gai-Sensei, you said that was only a last resort when the lives of very important people were at stake!"

"That's right I did but this is an exception."

"Really? Really?" He took off some training weights. They don't look so heavy. "I will now be able to move around more freely." He dropped them and there was a huge explosion of the ground breaking. My eyes whitened.

What the heck?! They are heavy as hell!

Lee started to move even faster than before. He was confusing Gaara and was able to get closer. Lee used a round house kick in Gaara's head. Gaara's face then started to fall off, revealing it to be sand.

"What the hell is with that guy?!"I questioned. Kankuro explained to us what was happening. He said that Gaara was wearing an armor as a last line of defense.

Wow. Lee is giving him a hard time then.

Lee began to unwrap the bandages on his arms and he began circling Gaara at an incredible speed. He kicked Gaara upwards several times and wrapped him in the bandages. Lee then grabbed him and slammed his body to the ground but he noticed that his body was an empty shell of sand. Gaara grinned sinisterly and shot sand out at Lee. Then Gaara sent a sand tidal wave at Lee.

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