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~This story was written when I was like 14 so I will come back to fix the mistakes and rewrite things. IF YOU ARE MAD THAT MY OC IS ON TEAM 7, find something better to get upset about. its not that deep no one is forcing you to read this. It's written for fun you weirdos. 

Hope you enjoy anyways. Please stay positive in the comment section! No mean or offensive comments please~

PLEASE READ; Also since this is a fanfic, obviously not everything will be the same as the original series but I won't change too much of the canon. I made it so Kakashi was 17 during the nine tails attack on the village and the age when Shiori was born.

if you make a comment about Kakashi being like 12-14 when he had Shiori, you obviously did not read this note and I'm deleting the comment probably lol

It was the day I would get assigned to a team.  I had recently graduated from the ninja academy, finally becoming a genin- the lowest class of ninja.

I sat bored at my desk and looked out the window. Dad told me that he would be one of the Team's Sensei so I was in between if I wanted him to be mine or not. Sure I love Dad but..sometimes he can be a bit weird or embarrassing. To be honest, my biggest concern was something else..

I sat right next to the member of the Uchiha clan; Sasuke. He was the most serious and straight faced in the class; rarely saying a word. I've always been sitting right next to him ever since the first day. The others that sat by me were the loud blonde Naruto and the pink haired fangirl Sakura.

Once Naruto entered the room, he was immediately questioned by Shikamaru Nara. Naruto proudly told him he passed and pointed to his headband. No one could believe he made it. He was always the 'loser' and for some reason he was hated by the whole village, even kids. I never hated it because I never found a reason myself. I wish I knew what it was..

Not long after, Naruto was perched on the desk and exchanged glares with Sasuke..like always.

Those two never get along, even as kids. Naruto usually is the one to start these stupids fight. It's really annoying.

A boy bumped his head into Naruto causing him to lean forward towards Sasuke, kissing him on the lips.  I held back my laughter while they were trying to clean their mouths and spat out in disgust.

"BLEHHH!" They held onto their throats. It was almost like they had eaten something spoiled or poisoned.

It's just a kiss, no need for drama. It's not like it was on purpose either.

"NARUTO.." Sakura and Ino growled, standing in front of other fan girls. They cracked their knuckles before pummeling Naruto.

I don't understand what they see in Sasuke. Sasuke this and Sasuke that. He doesn't even look at them once but whatever. Apparently that's appealing??

"I hope that wasn't your first kiss," I teased, smirking and resting my chin on my hand. "If it was, that sucks.. unless you didn't mind it." He sent me a glare and scoffed.

"Who would ever like kissing this jerk?!" Naruto fumed. "I honestly don't get why every girl likes him!"

"Don't ask me. Ask one of his fans," I pointed a finger to Sakura. "She could give you a whole list of reasons with most being 'Sasuke-Kun is so amazing! I can't handle it!'" I mocked while clutching my hands together.

Iruka went in front of the classroom, catching everyone's attention. "You are now genin. You will be put into groups of 3 except one group of 4." He announced.

Kakashi's Daughter! Book One: The Struggles of Becoming A Ninja!Where stories live. Discover now