Caught! pt1

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                                    •Chapter 1•
Me, Jamie, Maxine, and Lila, hide in the alleyway, as we watch S.H.I.E.L.D agent search for us, searching threw our hide out for any evidence. I heard footsteps in the alley,and whispered to my friends "run", we all start to run but we're cut off by Nick Fury and some more agents drawing guns at us. Our  hands raised."Y'know it's illegal for three 13 year olds to be this far from home", i look up and say,"we don't have a home Fury, you know that". He sighs and says, "we could do this the easier way instead of chasing and fighting" I look at Lila, then Max, then Jamie, their eyes are closed, I look back to fury, "and if we don't come with you" I ask, he looks me in my eyes and says "then the higher ups... the higher ups will have to eliminate you, which I don't want" I look at him again and say, "yea I don't want to die either, but I don't want to be a kid soldier" then a ring of fire blazes around us as Max's eyes glow a dangerous orangey-red. The  S.H.I.E.L.D agents on the other side jumping back. I got off my knees as Max and Lila jump through the portal Jamie summoned. I stand up straight and shouted, "Take this as a warning, next time I won't flee, I will fight" I turned and leaped threw the portal with Jamie following after.

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