Wake up!

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Steve's POV: Mara's file didn't have that much information about her or what happened to her family. The kid was brave and smart I'll give her that. But when Stark used a shock wave on her she didn't fall instead she took it. While her friends stood knocked out after the hit. I watched her eyes dart towards Stark's car and the car began to shake violently and eventually Explode as Mara laid herself on the ground while screaming. It was a terrible sight,  but the kid didn't pass out until Nat stuck her with a needle. We carried the four inside and placed them into a Investigation room and locked the door.
Mara's POV: I opened my eyes to the familiar white walls of the room I was previously in but there was no one sided mirror and I had something on my wrist. I sat up right against the wall and looked at my friends, I quickly crawled over to Lila and shook her awake and she quickly realized the situation as well. We both woke Max and Jamie. I stood sitting against the wall again with my hand resting on my knee while the other leg was stretched out. Jamie paced the room while Lila tried to think while Max kicked and beat the wall in front of her. This was my fault if I was faster we wouldn't be here right now....
——————————————————————————— Lila's POV: I tried to think of a way out but I couldn't I was scared and I couldn't go through it again. The torture, sitting in a room with flashing lights, I couldn't do it not again. If only I wasn't so dumb and we planned this out better we wouldn't be here right now. I should've told Jamie to make a portal to find Mara but I didn't. Ugh why do I have to be so stupid sometimes....
Jamie's POV: I nervously paced back and forth around the room while looking around for an escape or something but no luck. I paused when I noticed the wall but realized it was the camera. My imagination was getting the better of me. I don't know why this had to happen, it didn't have to! I wish I could rewind time to the better days but what's better? Having no friends and still live with my mom or having my friends who would ride or die for me any day of the week....
Max's POV: I kicked and punched at the wall until I felt like my limbs would fall of. I placed my back against the wall and slid down to sit, I looked at my wrist looking at the dumb bracelet that was placed on it, don't know what it does but I guess it's time to figure it out. I lifted my other hand and began attempting a small flame to the tech but heard an ear splitting shriek and covered my ears hearing Mara shout "What the hell is that!", "I don't know?!" Jamie shouted back over the sound. And thankfully it stopped. We all panted harshly as we began searching for what ever device it was causing the painful sound. And yet again we found nothing....
—————————————————————————Mara's POV: I paused and remembered the screwdriver I took from the lab and started patting myself down for it, and remembered I had put it in the lining of my bra and pulled it out. I looked at Lila and Max and said "I need your guys help", Lila looked at me like I was insane when she saw the screwdriver and said "Nope I don't feel like getting tortured" I look at her and say "You won't, please" she rolls her eyes and gets infringe of me while max stood behind me. I hopped onto Max's Shoulders while Lila held my front up steady as I destroyed the camera and pulled it down exposing all the wires and stuff. Jamie kept and listening for the door. I got down from Max's shoulders and began messing with the video camera device but gave up upon finding nothing useful. Jamie panicked and whispered "Someone's coming!" We all tried to act like we weren't doing anything we shouldn't have but it was obvious. Natasha Opened the door and quickly dodged when a broken camera was sent flying her way. Max was now agitated.

Natasha said "See I was going to be nice and bring you four something to snack on but if you're gonna behave like that then I'll leave you to starve" Max was about to start blasting curses when Jamie quickly covered her mouth and held her back and politely said "Um....No thank you", Lila responded with "When are we gonna leave?" The redhead simply said "l don't  know about that" I then chimed in and said "Okay I have a question. What the hell was the loud ass sound that almost made me go deaf?" She then said "usually when we have criminals with abilities we throw then in here so when they try and use their ability it sends a high frequency wave towards them", Max removed Jamie's hand and said "Oh I see so we're lab rats getting a punishment when we disobey GREAT!" I roll my eyes and say "What do we need to do to get out of this room and get this thing off our wrist?" Natasha looked back at me and said "Just answer some questions and you leave the room" I look at my friends and back at her and say "Let is talk about it first then we'll be with you" Natasha nodded her head and left the room locking the door behind her.

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