6-the meeting

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Alex's POV

"Your highness, I have a report for you." Gerald says.

"What is it?" I lift my head from my desk and give him a glare. Doesn't he know I was sleeping?

Gerald's head lowers. "A demon is coming to your ball. They say it will be a girl."

I lean back in my seat. "Well, this is new. A female demon?"

"Yes, your highness. Your father told me to give you this book." Gerald speaks quickly before setting the book on my desk and running out of the room.

God. I really need better staff. I lean forward and flip the cover open. A fresh white envelope sits there. I open it and pull out the note.


It is your job, other than being a royal, to take care of the demonic mess angels have left. I want you to read up this book up and tell me the most important thing you find in it. I will judge if you really read the book or not. We have word a demon of the female gender will come to your ball. I have no clue on why, but all I can tell you is that the angels refuse to deal with her. It is up to us to take care of her.


Your father- the King

I sigh. The angels aren't taking care of her? Why? She's still a demon, regardless of her being a girl. I focus my attention back on the book.

Demonology. Wonderful.

I flip open the first page and begin my doom.


"Alex! Wake up!" Someone yells. "Alex! Mom is gonna kill me if she sees you slobered all over the book!"

Someone pushes my shoulder. I crack an eye open to come face to face with my younger brother, Jasper.

"What do you want?" I say groggily.

"Mom is on her way...and you slobered in the book!" Jasper yells.

I look back to the book and see a wet spot on it. "Darn it." I place the note in the page and shut the book.

"Get dressed. Mom is having people from other countries come over for breakfast. She wants you there." Jasper jumps onto my bed and jumps on it. He looks exactly like my father. Black hair and gray eyes. The only difference is that he has a darker complexion. He is a little more on the tan side since he loves going outside.

"For being a 10 year old prince, you act like a kid." I tease him. I stand and walk into my bathroom.

I hear his laughter before the water in the shower turns on. I strip down and hop in, washing away all the stress.

I get out and wrap a towel around my waist and walk into my room. A few maids are running around, finding an outfit for me to wear. They place a suit on my bed, bow, then run out.

I get dressed and attempt to style my hair. It fails so I give up and walk out. Breakfast with the foreign diplomats. I run down the steps and into the dining room. Everyone looks up at me and I freeze.

"Sorry I'm late. I got sidetracked." I take a seat beside my mother and kiss her on the cheek. She gives me a smile, her green eyes lighting up. She tied her brown hair up in a bun. I got my hair from her.

"Prince Alex, how have you been?" One of them asks.

"Quite well, thank you. How have your kids been?" To my knowledge all of them have kids except the one at the very far left.

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