30- a dream and a note

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"Help! Please! Anyone!" A voice screams out.

I peer over the railing and look down at the party below me. I see a grand ballrom covered in dark blue and black fabric. Tables of food and drink are against the right wall while the stairs are to my left, opening up to the crowded ballroom. I notice everyone stop and stare at the dead person. I scoff and notice a dark figure walk along the wall, away from the now dead prince.

"Aren't you glad I told you he wasn't worth it? He was going to die anyway." My father's voice says from right beside me as he looks at the scared people from our balcony.

"Yes, but who did you choose for me? Is it someone at home or someone at this lovely party?" I ask, hoping it is the duke's son, Arnen. He is the most wanted bachelor and he will take over Xaimar's job as top hunter.

"He is someone at home, don't worry, baby girl, I have a man worthy of you. And you are worthy of only the best." His arm wraps around my shoulder and holds me against his side as the assassin makes his way out of the room, unnoticed by all the party-goers.

"Thank you father." I tell him with a smile. "I appreciate you looking out for me, even after evverything I put you through."

"You are my little princess, I might want to kill you sometimes but I always end up doing what is best for you." He kisses my forehead.


I gasp and sit upright, sweat dripping down my back. Alex died!? What is going on? My breathing is heavy and my heart is racing. In the dream or vision I felt the railing and the dress but I didn't feel Alex die.

I begin to notice my surrounds before realizing I'm in Alex's room. What!? Dad didn't take me? What happened?

Dad was right though. I won't survive here for long. Hell is the only place that provides what I need to live. Hell I even lived off of it before he took me. That's actually why dad took me early. I needed what mom couldn't provide me.

I slide my legs off of the bed and stand up. Something brushes against my thighs. I look down to see a man's shirt on me while I'm wearing a pair of leggings. I sniff the shirt and smell Alex.

He changed me? I would have been fine in my outfit from before. I look at the bedside table and see a piece of paper. I open it to read;


I left you with your little mate for now. He has a bag of what you need until your mission is complete. I want you home after your mission is complete. I already have the perfect mate for you picked out. You know Arnen, right?

Well, I want you to know that you little prince will live but you need to come home after which means no more ties to him. I know you think you love him but he won't provide you with what you need, baby girl. All I'm doing is looking out for you.

Love, your father

I frown and crumble the paper.

A dream and a note, what a wonderful way to wake up. Arnen, the top bachelor, the man every woman wants but only a princess can have, the one who will become top hunter in three months, the one, if my dad played his cards correctly, I will have to produce an heir with.

I shudder at the though. I head towards the door before it opens to a flustered looking Keyon.

"Ash! Save me!" He crys out before pouncing on me and we both fall the floor. I land on my back with my best friends hands on my shoulders. I cry out and try to push his hand off of my bad shoulder.

"Keyon!" Ethan's voice slurs out. All my pain forgotten when I meet Keyon's eyes.

"A drunk wolf!?" I cry out.

Keyon nods and grips onto me for dear life. I struggle to stand before someone helps me up. I look to see a grinning Ethan looking at me.

"Who are you?" He slurs out, wlaking closer to me.

"Your mate's best friend." I emphasize.

His eyes widen. "I have a mate?!"

I nod with a smile. "But you can't have him until you're sober."

Ethan pouts. "But-"

"No buts mister! I want you to go to bed. Would you like me to tuck you in?" I offer, hiding a snicker.

He nods and opens his arms for me to pick him up. I slide Keyon to my back before Ethan latches onto my front.

"Tell me the way." I mutter out.

Ethan motions and directs me down the hall. I open the door and the smell of alcohol and Ethan's scent hits my nose, making me gag. Not a good combination.

He climbs off of me and burrows under the covers. Keyon slide off of me and lays beside Ethan, who fell asleep. I tuck them both in and kiss their foreheads.

Our little babies.

I agree with you, angel. Our little babies.

I walk out of the room and down the hall. Wait, where should I go? I have nothing to do. Dad told me to not hang out with Alex anymore but Alex has what I need.

"Miss? Can we help you?" I look over to the guards that have begun walking behind me.

"Can you show me to Alex?" I say after thinking it over.

"Yes, your majesty." They say and bow.

I pause in shock before scrambling after the guards. "Why did you call me that?"

"Prince Alex told us to, your majesty."

I nod and follow after them as they take me towards the king's office. A guard knocks on the door and opens it for me. I watch them carefully before stepping into the office to see Alex's back facing me and the king looking directly at me. Alex's posture is slumped over while the king looks cocky.

"Typical for a bastard like him." My angel speaks up.

"I thought you were suppose to be nice?"

"I am until someone disrespects my human."

"Wait, I'm human?!" I ask, completely confused.

"Ash, how wonderful it is to have your presence here again." The king remarks.

"Thank you for noticing. I need to talk to both of you." I crumble the note tighter in my hand.

The king nods and the guards leave. He motions for me to sit and I take a seat in the empty chair.

"What is it, demon?"

I take a deep breath before speaking, knowing Alex will flip. "After the ball, I am leaving. You won't have to deal with me anymore."

And me knowing Alex, he freaks out. "No! I will not allow it!" He screams out.

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