26-So you don't mind kissing someone who is wet?

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"Wake up, lovebirds!" Keyon yells throughout the house.

I bury my head further into my pillow and feel it moving up and down slowly. It is also warmer than the average pillow. I open an eye and see Alex sleeping on his back with me on top of him. His right arm is around my waist and his left is against my side.

I yawn and snuggle into his chest, slowly falling back asleep. I hear a door creak open before I'm suddenly freezing. I shoot up, growling and dripping wet, while glaring at Keyon.

"You son of a-"

"Language!" Alex scolds.

I frown and lundge at Keyon, who bolts out of the way, laughing his ass off. I growl and follow after him. He might have been a runner but NEVER wake a woman up.

I slide out of the room and my shoulder slams into the wall. I grunt and take after Keyon who made a sharp turn into the dining room.

I slip and slide while running forward and following his trail. I pass by Jessie, who I probably woke when I slammed into the wall. He watches with an amused expression. I twist to slide into the dining room and I end up hitting the door frame.

I groan in pain before looking up to see a laughing Keyon. I growl and push off of the floor, gaining ground. He stops laughing and runs.

We round a corner and Keyon runs into someone. I put my feet out and fall on my ass, and look up to see Ethan holding Keyon. I laugh.

"Haha! You got caught!" I mock.

Keyon turns to look at me with a glare. "Look who's on their ass."

I kick him in the shin, making him yelp in pain and hold it. Ethan growls and pulls Keyon behind him.


I stands and run away, an angry alpha male following after me. I twist and slide into the hall successfully. Alex is rubbing his eyes and walking down the hall in another pair of clothes. Jessie walked out and stops midstep when he sees who I'm running from.

"Alex!" I cry out before launching at him and koala bear hugging him. He catches me last second and looks behind me to probably see a very angry alpha.

"You are all wet still!" Alex whines.

"Don't let the alpha hurt me!" I cry out and bury my face into the side of his neck.

I'm guessing Alex is giving Ethan a glare because all I hear from Ethan is, "No! I wasn't going to hurt her I swear!"

"Then why were you following after her with the look to kill on your face?" Alex asks, wrapping an arm under my ass, making me squeak, and the other around my waist.

"Because I can?" His voice raises an octave.

"Wrong answer, Ethan." Alex warns.

"She kicked my mate and hurt him!"

"They are best friends. Let them deal with themselves their own way." Alex hoists me up higher. "Now, go get ready. We are leaving soon. Make sure your mate has a suit ready."

He then turns and walks down the hall. I peek over his shoulder to see Ethan glaring at me. I stick my tongue at him and he gives off a low growl, earning Alex's attention.

"Ethan? Weren't you suppose to fix the problem about my dad bothering your wolves?"

Alex must have hit the bullseye because Ethan suddenly curses and yells for Keyon to follow him.

We walk into the room we were in and Alex sets me on the bed. He cups my face and crouches in front of me.

"Ash, this is a very important talk, okay?" I nod, curious to what is about to happen. "Tonight is the ball, the party where I have to pick my bride, and I want you to know that if you don't impress my mother or try to fix the problem with my father then there is no way they will allow me to marry you. I have no doubt that you can dance but please try to get my mother's approval. She can convince my father that you are good for me."

I nod and smirk. "I'll try my best, mama's boy."

Alex frowns and if he could growl I bet he would be. "Not funny."

I smile and poke him in the chest. "Yeah, it kinda is."

He tackles me on the bed and hovers above me. His elbows are holding him up and his face is just inches from mine.

"You find that funny?" He whispers and his minty breath fans my face.

"Yes." Is all I get to say before his lips meet mine. The kiss is quick and heated. I freeze for a moment in shock before kissing him back. His hands cup the back of my head and my waist so he can hold me against him. My arms wrap around his neck and tug on his hair.

He moans into the kiss before pulling away. I pout and he smiles.

"You like my kisses." He teases.

My cheeks heat up and I hide my face in his chest. He laughs and pulls away to look at me.

"Don't hide your face from me. And I loved your kiss." He leans closer. "Maybe I want more."

I smile. He likes my kiss. "So you don't mind kissing someone who is wet?"

So many ways to take that, Ash.

My angel is speaking to me. The smile falls from my face as Alex's face turns to both lust and shock.

"Alex," I whisper, shock is evident in my voice. "I heard my angel talk to me."

His face brightens up. "That's wonderful!" The smile slowly disappears at my worried face. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know how to control my angel." I whisper out.

"Ask Issac, he will teach you."

I nod and peck him on the lips. "Now move so I can change into dry clothes."

He groans. "But I want another kiss."

I smile. "I will give you another if you let me change into some normal clothes."

He pulls away and helps me stand. I walk towards the closet and grab a red tank top with a racer back and pair of black shorts. I throw them in and walk out of the closet, trying to tie my hair into a worthy ponytail.

I walk into something that wraps its arms around me in a loving manner. I look up after my hair is tied to see Alex.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I nod and he pulls me out of the room, making sure I have the necklace on, and we head towards the garage. He grabs the keys to the truck and walks me to the passenger side. I climb in and he closes the door behind him and bolts over to the driver's seat. He climbs in and starts the truck.

"So, how are you with flying?"

I shrug. "Don't know. Let's find out."

He smiles at me. "Well, since you are naturally made for flying, I hope you can survive in a plane."

I open my mouth then close it. Thats true. I do have my own set of wings.

"And you can't use your wings."

I groan and my head hits the back of the seat. Alex chuckles and drives off. Yippee! I get to figure out if flying in a plane is fun!

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