13- welcoming death

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"I heard the ball was moved back a week or two. Apparently the prince hasn't been feeling well or something." A voice says.

"Who's going to watch the prisoners? And poor thing."

"Some hunters I think. I don't care. Alpha trapped us with all these annoying things and it kinda ticks me off."

I open my eyes and see I'm still in the cell. Some of my power is restored but I'm mainly weak and useless. Wonderful, trapped by warrior wolves with no power.

"Look, princess is awake." One of the demons whispers. I look to my left and see an older looking guy. He is grinning at me in a friendly way.

"You didn't give up, almost all of them do before they realize they can't die."

I stand shakily and grip the bars in front of me for support. Will my compulsion work right now?

"Please...sir...can I have some water?" I beg the wolves.

The wolves give me a dirty look.

"No, now shut up."


"No, shut the fuck up."

"Pleeeaasssseee?!" I beg.

They hit the bar with a growl. I growl back and pull my royal demon forward to overpower the wolves. They submit to me.

"Open the fucking door and escort me out." I growl out.

The taller one opens the door and grabs me roughly and drags me behind him.

"Let some of the others out, mainly the older ones." I command. The other guard begins on that.

The guard throws me out some doors and I land on the floor. The marble floor right beside a set of stairs. "A prisoner escaped!" He bellows.

I close my eyes and push myself off of the floor so I'm on my hands and knees. The guard kicks me in the side making me go flying into the side of the stairs. I scream out in pain and land on my stomach.

"Ash!?" I hear a familiar voice yell out in worry.

The guard grabs me by the hair and slams my face into the tile floor. I see drops of blood fall to the floor and I automatically know my nose is broken.

He kicks me in the stomach, effectively knocking the wind out of me. I go to push the legs away but my strength isn't there and I collapse to the floor.

"Now, since you escaped, we can kill you." The wolf gives me a evil smile.

He pulls a iron knife from his belt and holds it to my neck. I close my eyes and wait for the pinch of pain and struggling to breathe sensation.

The knife presses farther into my neck, drawing blood. I begin coughing and blood comes from my mouth again. I get flipped onto my stomach and groan in pain while coughing up blood. Too much blood.

"Holy shit! Ash!" A voice yells.

I slowly lift my head after the coughing stops for a moment. I see Ethan and Keyon standing at the end of the hall.

Coughing wracks me again and more blood comes up. The feet thunder towards me. Something pierces my shoulder and I scream out in pain.

"Princess," Keyon says quietly. "Let me help you."

He pulls whatever was in my shoulder out and picks me up carefully. My head falls back and I'm too weak to hold myself up. My eyes begin to close against my will.

"No! Princess, stay awake!" Keyon yells.

I'm moved around some and cry out in pain. He apologizes before speaking to someone else. "I have to take her home. We need to find out why she is coughing up all this blood. I've never seen it before."

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now