41- iron arrow

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"You have all your weapons?" Keyon asks, making sure I can defend myself from the rabid hunter, or better known as Prince Alex, my mate.

"Yes, mother. I have all my weapons." I growl.

Keyon sighs. "I'm just making sure you are safe. You aren't not only my best friend but my princess as well. It is just a natural reaction, Ash."

I smile, a small smile but one nonetheless. "Alright, let's go save my kind."

I put my foot though the portal before Keyon blurts out, "Arnen is after him too!"

And with that, I fall through the portal and into chaos.

Before me is a large clearing filled with a small amount of my army, fully suited up and weapons up, and in the center of them all is Alex, fully covered in demon blood and a glowing sword in his hands.

Arnen, my beloved choosen mate, is in a battle with Alex, where the swords are against each other, mixing the light from Alex's sword with Arnen's dark sword.

The second I step foot on the ground, all the lower ranked demons freeze and drop down on one knee in submission.

"She is mine! I'm not letting her go this time!" Alex yells, stress clear in his voice.

"Boys, boys, no fighting over something. Let the girls have all the fun." I say loudly.

All eyes turn towards me and the fighting stops.

"Ash." Arnen whispers in either shock, guilt, or disbelief.

"Head assassin got called in, supposedly her previous mission isn't as important as this one." I act like my nails are more important. "Apparently I got called out because two highly ranked people are fighting like teenage boys. Well, if you want to destroy my entire species in between, go right ahead. Don't forget to send me an apology card. Make sure it has kittens on it, they are adorable creatures."

"Princess, this isn't what it looked like." Arnen tries to explain.

I swiftly pull my sword from behind me and make the tip touch Arnen's throat. "I was sent here because I heard a hunter was killing my people off. I arrive here and see my fiancee fighting the hunter."

"No, I am yours not him. You are mine!" Alex crys out, sounding like a boy who has lost everything.

I blink in shock. "Excuse me?"

"That useless creature isn't yours! I am yours as you are mine!" Alex takes a step towards me and all the demons tense in preparation to fight and protect their princess.

"She is mine!" Arnen growls, a low, deep, gutteral sound.

I pull another sword from my back and hold it against Alex's throat, the tip almost piercing his skin.

"Both of you belong to me. I rule over both of you being the demonic princess and part angel. Arnen," I turn my gaze to him to see he is standing still, awaiting punishment. "You bow down to me. I rule over you and you have no hold over me. Our marriage was strictly buisness."

"Ash-" Alex begins and I pin my glowing eyes on him.

"You rule under me also. I am part angel and they rule over you. You might hunt the kind I control but that doesn't mean you can't escape my grasp." I finish off.

I take a step back the second Arnen swipes a sword at me. Pure fury is on his face.

"You said you loved me!" He snarls, earning gasps from the demon.

"Sweetheart, I love no one. When are you going to get that through your thick skull?" I say sweetly before lundging forward with the sword up, ready to attack.

He snarls as he goes to attack me with his shadow sword. I parry every move, slowly building my powers up to be prepared to out power him.

The next thing I know is I'm laying on the ground with one sword laying beside me and the other a dozen feet away. My head is spinning and my body feels numb.

I still hear the clashing of swords and the grunts from when the swords hold together.

I lift my head only to have dizziness blur my vision for a moment before I notice Alex fighting Arnen.

All the power swirling inside me and all the emotions break out giving me enough motive to stand and hold a glowing blue sword against both of the boys' swords.

The blue glow turns into a deep red then back to angelic blue and it repeats.

"Do you want me to kill you both? I will gladly end both of you." I growl out.

Alex pulls his sword away and lodges the tip into the ground, pulling his hands away so his sword is sticking out of the ground.

I look to Arnen to see his demon fighting for control.

"Kill him Ash. I order you, as your king, to kill him." Damien says in my mind. I make a quick scan through the field, spotting Damien and Jessie hiding in the shadows.

The only way to see them is the glowing of their eyes.

"Do it Ash! I command you!" Damien yells amd I have no choice but to obey.

I quickly lift my sword and swipe at Arnen, slicing his neck.

Gasps come from all around me but the one thing that holds my attention is the light Arnen's brown eyes slowly fading.

His eyes keep mine locked on his.

"Glad it was you, love. I wouldn't have had it any other way." Arnen sends mentally before he falls completely lifeless to the floor.

Shock fills me. Along with unbearable pain on my back but the shock wins over.

I killed Arnen. I killed one of the men I love. My sword stops glowing and falls from my hand.

Oh my god.

I killed Arnen.

"Ash!" Three voices yell before I blackout and collapse.


"Ash, please wake up. Please!" I hear someone beg, a teary-eyed type of beg.

Alex? What is he begging for?

"Calm down, Alex. She will be fine." Jessie assures him.

"Your brother ordered her to kill someone she loved. She was shot in the back with an iron arrow and her wings, which I want to bet hasn't came out since she saw me last, came out on full display. Don't tell me she is fine." Alex snaps.

Oh damn! Boy got bite!

My demon says in the sassiest voice and all I do is growl at her.

What happened to him? He was pure and sweet, only killing the evil and now he is being rude towards your twin, Ash. How bad did we break him?

I don't know angel, I don't know.

"Alex! They are doing everything they can to try and heal her!" Damien snaps.

Who else is in the room? Where am I? Why can't I move and oh gods there is an excruciating pain in my back making me want to cry out.

Damien, Jessie, Alex, and Keyon are in the hospital room with us right now. As Alex said, you were shot in the back with an iron arrow and your wings unfurled to their full length, matching your father's. Something that had all demons on their knees, submitting to you.

Please, put me back to sleep! Anyone! I want out of this pain!

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