33-Like Romeo and Juliet?

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He drags me to the dance floor and positions us correctly. We immediately join in with the other fast paced dancers.

"Where is Keyon?" I ask lightly. If Ethan was nursing a bottle then something went wrong.

"He got mad that I agreed with you leaving. He ditched me for some girl." He snarls out but low enough for only me to hear.

"Well, if it makes you any better, you are dancing with his best friend who is also a female."

"But I don't see you that way!"

"He doesn't see the girl the same way either. He loves you, alpha." I say quietly.

I keep my eyes wide and notice a dark figure moving against the walls. My whole body tenses and my ears strain to hear if he is speaking.

"Get us towards the left wall." I hiss lowly.

Ethan complies and we continue to dance. I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder.

"There is no way anyone will know I'm here, master." The figure whispers so quietly it is almost impossible for me to hear.

"Yes...yes...I only detect werewolves, a vampire bartender, and a single demon of low rank. Nobody knows that I am here."

Haha! He doesn't know I am here! He only senses Keyon!

"Kill the prince, yes, I know. He is a future threat."

Threat? To what?

"May I have a turn with Miss Sanderson, Ethan?" An older voice asks. I turn to see the king offering me a hand. I smile and curtsy. I place my hand in his and he guides us through all the dancers with skill.

Thank god dad made us learn how to dance everything.

"Hello, Miss Sanderson. My son has talked about you. He said that you remind him remarkably like his ex."

"Who is his ex, if I may ask, your highness?" I says sickly sweet. It doesn't sound like my voice.

"She was just a nobody. I don't know what he saw in her." The king says before spinning me.

"Well, he looks like a nice guy. He must have seen some good in her or something if he dated her, your majesty."

"He just doesn't understand that I tried to get the girl away so he could pick someone himself. I know she was made for him because I never saw him smile that widely but I was just afraid her father would inflict pain on us all."

"And why would he do that, your majesty?"

"Because her father is my enemy."

"Did you ever ask her if her father was also her enemy? That the enemy of your enemy could be a friend?"

"She was the same thing that he is. I just hope Alex gets over this quickly and realizes that all she would have brought is pain."

"Maybe all he wanted was someone to love, your majesty. Thats how I feel at home and I have two older brothers."

"He has a younger brother but he should feel loved. I teach him whatever he needs to know and his mother gives him affection whenever she can."

"Maybe that's your problem, your majesty. He does feel loved but he wants someone to love."

The king is silent until the song ends. We formally bow and the prince walks to the center of the room and everyone backs away.

"Well, Miss Sanderson, I hope that my son chooses you."

"Thank you, your majesty!" I exclaim and curtsy. He bows and walks off.

"Now is the prince's dance! He will choose one maiden for his first dance!" Someone announces.

I begin walking towards the bar. I need a shot badly.

"Her!" Alex yells, causing me to freeze.

I turn and se the crowd parted to make froom for Alex to make a direct way towards me.

"He is dancing with a girl...yes, kill the girl too?...Are you sure sir?...yes...kill the girl too."

I gulp as Alex walks towards me slowly. Why am I so nervous? Fuck, why am I so scared? I've been in bigger crowds of more dangerous creatures than humans.

Alex stops in front of me and bows. I instantly drop into a curtsy. We both stand and he offers a hand to me.

I pull in all my energy and place my hand on his, not feeling any sparks. I smile in relief and he must take it as happiness because he leads me to the center of the dance floor.

"The waltz?" He whispers.

I nod and he wraps a hand around my waist and grips my hand. My hand holds his as my other hand rests on his shoulder. Music begins playing and we begin moving gracefully to the music.

"You remind me of someone, Lady Sanderson." Alex begins and it takes everything in my to not break into tears and cry out "it's me! Your mate!"

"Who, your highness?"

"A girl I knew. God, when she walked into the room everyone looked at her. She was so pretty and she funny."

"Not to be rude, your highness, but why aren't you with her?"

"Because my father hates her father and he won't allow us together."

"Like Romeo and Juliet?"

"No, not really. My father just hates hers. Her father doesn't like anyone in general."

I giggle. "Sounds like my father."

"Well aren't you a lucky girl?" He teases.

I smile and feel glaring.

"Eyes on target sir. Do you want me to fire?"

Alex spins me one more time and his back is to the assassin. His bow is up and aimed towards me and the prince. I spin Alex, taking him off guard and spinning to face the assassin. I lift my hand and grip the arrow in midair.

Gasps fill the room and I spin the arrow. The assassin visibly gulp as I throw the arrow back at him. He dodges it and notches another arrow.

I make my bag become my staff and stalk the assassin.

"I was having fun and you decided to ruin it." I whine with the tip of my staff under his chin.

"I-I a-a-am s-sorry, m-miss."

"Call me princess. Princess Ash." I whisper low enough for him to hear before bring my staff up quickly and knocking him backwards. The arrow fires and is heading directly towards Alex.

Everyone screams, including Alex. I blink and teleport right in front of him, catching the arrow. I snap it with a low growl. I see Ethan and Keyon emerge from the group and stand beside me.

"Princess, how do you want to handle this?" Keyon asks mentally.

"He's mine!" I growl out, stalking up to the assassin who pulled out a knife. He swipes at me but I duck back.

I swing my staff and hit him on the side of his head. The assassin kicks out and hits my knee. I yelp and plant my staff on the floor to keep from falling.

I use my supernatural speed to pin him against the floor with his hands above him in silver and iron cuffs.

Now you might be wondering where I got the cuffs but don't worry, I got them handed to me by Ethan who was wearing gloves.

I bring my staff and tuck it under his chin, lifting up to meet his eyes.

A gasp immediately leaves me when I meet his dark brown eyes.


The Prince's Demon [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें