22- charms

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Alex's POV

I'm so sorry baby. I didn't want to shoot you. I never meant to harm you like this but it was the only way everything would turn calm again.

"Are you sure about this, your highness?" A wolf guard asks. I brought about a dozen of them.

I nod. "She is important to me so I want her to have the best care. Even if it means protecting her from herself. She will thank me when this is all over."

I walk down the hallway with my mate in my arms. She should be out for a couple more hours. I open the iron door and set her on the Queen sized bed gently. I sit beside her and brush her hair from her face.

She looks so peaceful asleep. Her features are soft and I can really observe her. Her full pink lips, her slightly tan skin, her perfect curves, her button nose, and her tiny hands.

Her hands are tiny compared to mine. Mine completely engulf hers just like I tower over her. She must be only 5 foot 6 and compared to my giant form of 6 foot 3, she is a tiny little thing.

What intrigues me the most is her eyes. One blue like most of the angels and one black like her demonic bloodline. Her marks also amaze me. When she is in her demonic form, they glow red but when she has her angelic form, which I have seen once, they seem to glow blue.

"Your highness, we need to talk." Issac says from the doorway.

"I'll be right there." I infrom him. I hear his form retreat and I stand and tuck Ash in.

I kiss her forehead and walk out of the room, making sure to shut the iron door firmly. It's the only way to protect you baby.

I take a deep breath and walk down the hall to the dining room. The nice part about this house is that it is actually is a house. Two stories tall, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a decent dining room, a modern kitchen, a living room with all sorts of gaming consoles, and an office.

"Why is your father after her so badly? He wanted her when she was twelve." Issac says.

So he is Ash's older angel brother.

I see the resemblance. The small nose, the lips, his attitude towards everything.

Damien, Jessie, and Issac are all sitting at the table while I take the head seat. Keyon and Ethan walk in and take the last two seats.

"Why are we here?" Damien asks me.

"As I was saying before the bell went off, I have a place that hides supernatural magic. In here, you are just another human. Your powers don't work I have a few charms around here that you could wear out in public to hide how strong your power is."

"What if it doesn't work? Won't he be able to track us back here?" Jessie asks while leaning forward.

"The charms work. I track all sorts of supernaturals. We tested them and I couldn't track them." Issac ensures them.

Damien leans back in his seat and faces Issac. "So are you going to take mom's place on the council?"

"That was the plan. How about you? Are you going to become king?" Issac crosses his arms over his chest. I cover my mouth with my hand to hide a smirk.

"Yeah. Was." Damien mutters.

"How long are we staying here Alex?" Ethan asks.

I shrug. "Until the demons figure out-"

"Because your father is yelling at all my wolves and it is pissing me off. I'm not leaving my mate here with you all and I need to go. Plus, your ball is tomorrow."

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