40-mating machine

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"No, absolutely not."


"No, you will not leave him."

"He is useless to me!"

"He is your choosen mate. You are not to leave him."


"You are also engaged to him. He is the lead hunter and you want to leave the highest demon, other than us royals, to go back to a human?" My father snarls.

"Please-" I beg.

"Ash Claire Demon!" My father yells my entire name. "You will not leave your fiancee for a human!"

My eyes widen in shock at my full name. I didn't know he knew my middle name.

"Sir, it was my-" Arnen begins but is cut off.

"You can and will be downgraded if you agree with her." My father warns.

I slam my hands on my father's desk, almost cracking it. "Don't you dare play that card, asshole! I'm not calling off the engagement but I want to find out if my mate is who I want to be with. I love Arnen but I want a shot at loving my soulmate too."

My father stands to his full height, towering over my 5 foot 7 height. His 6 foot 5 height, makes him more intimidating that me.

His eyes turn red as his demon fights him. "Ash, you will respect me-"

"I will respect you when you respect my decisions. I am not getting any claim to the throne but I sure as hell want to decide my own decisions." I snap, anger fueling my brain. Not a good thing but if it gets my point across then I am all for it.

"I am your father-"

"But I am an adult! I am a 22 year old woman. I an not a child anymore!"

"You are the last of our species! You need to reproduce to keeep our species alive!"

"I am not a mating machine! I am a living, breathing, feeling creature! I am not made to have sex then give birth for only the sole purpose to keep us alive!"

"If that is what I want you to do then, god damn it, you will do it!"

I growl, low and deep. "I. Am. Not. A. Breeding. Machine!" I snap.

I turn on my heel and walk out of the room. I need to call Jessie. He will help me smack sense into our father.


"Jessie!" I bellow at the top of my lungs, making the castle around me become silent. A lot of hisses are aimed at me but my view is on my twin brother.

Now, the castle I'm in isnt some princess-y shit. This is a dark, cold castle. Something made for creatures of the night, something made for creatures that live off of a thick, red liquid inside of living, breathing creatures.

The red curtians block out the sunlight allowing the vampires to have a human schedule to fit in. You know, besides the demonic looking castle, but humans do find this place interesting. I have never found out why.

I see the guards begin to run towards me but with a twist of my hands, they fly back and hit the walls.

The vampire princess walks out from the door and meets my two toned eyes. Her blue ones widen and I flash my signature smirk.

"Princess, may I barrow your prince?" I ask sweetly.

"Whatever for?"

"I need to talk to him." I growl out, making her flinch.

No guilt, she knows I am his sister and she knows what I am.

"Y-yes, well, let me go and find him then."

"No need, Jessamine. I felt my sister the second she stepped on to castle grounds." Jessie speaks from behind me. "She is a powerful demon."

I snicker. "Oh, yes, I am, Prince Jessie of the vampires."

He growls from behind me and I turn around to face my brother.

"What do you need, Ash?" Jessie asks, sounding exhausted.

"To ask for you to help me talk sense into our father. He won't let-"

I get cut off by a hand over my mouth.

"These vampires are way too nosey. They will be curious on why the prince's sister showed up to ask him for a favor and all that crap." Jessie uses the bond.

"You wanna make then talk about something spicy then?" I ask, a little too hopeful.

"Sure?" Jessie says hesitantly, outloud.

"You little son of a bitch! You and Damien took the throne from me when it was my right before yours. You need to go screw yourself!" I bellow, trying to not laugh.

"Being a twin sucks doesn't it, you little fucker. Damien deserves the throne and I earned where I am now. So go back to your little toy hunter and stay with him. You will keep your title as crown princess and lead assassin but that is it. I want my own life away from you. I'm sick and tired of you." Jessie growls.

I snarl rips through me. "You little son of a bitch! You bet father will hear about this!"

"Fine! I'm not scared of him!"

I turn on my heel and storm out of the castle, my power dripping from me.

"I want to meet you at home so we can talk. This is a very serious matter for me." I beg him.

"I will be there shortly, Ash." Jessie responds and I create a portal home and step through.


"JESSIE!" Damien bellows from downstairs. Jessie and I are currently in my room and we are sitting across from each other like to school girls talking.

I turn towards Jessie, after looking out my door to see if anyone is coming. "Dad won't let me leave Arnen to try and see if I want to go back to Alex."

My brother smiles happily. "I knew you would feel something even after all this time but I didn't think you would leave Arnen for it."

"Jess, I don't know what to do. I want to see if I can fall for Alex again but I don't want to leave Arnen."

"Ash, do what feels right. I fell for Jessamine and looks at us now. It started off as something meant for power now-"

"Jess, I love Arnen but I feel something for Alex too. I think I fell in love with him six years ago and now I love two people."

He stays silent. I look up to his face to see his eyes glazed over.


"Ash, I need you to do one thing for me." Jessie asks, eyes still glassy.


"Go to Alex and calm him down." My brother's black eyes snap to mine and I see shock. "Your little human mate is killing all of our kind and our princess needs to save them."

I smile. "Yay!" I mutter sarcastically.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now