Ch 3. Ava

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"They are in field 3, probably exercising?"- I checked the tracker pins on the minimized screen.

"And any news on Tiffany?"

I shrugged.

"Probably working on finding our next case?"- I mumbled to myself.

Sasha worked with the maps to find easy escape routes in our mission. She's basically the swiftest. She can basically drive anything, be it car, truck, bus, motorbikes and even helicopters. Without her skills we would've been stuck for our lives. She's also a great spy.

Olivea and Harmony worked as our fighters. They are our hands. No one can match their physical fighting skills in the whole of the agency. And they have immense strength, all of us do, but they have it more than us. They do all of the fieldwork in our team. Those two are the most practically courageous people you will ever meet. Without their selfless attitude it'd be difficult to win in difficult times.

Then there's me. I am neither so skilled in the physical sense nor can I chalk out escape routes. But I'm good with computers and I'm good at cyber confrontation. Yes, I'm the hacker of the group.

And we have Tiffany. I honestly don't know what to tell about her. That is because, if I start talking about her, I'll probably fail to stop. Apart from being my best friend since forever, she is the most complicated person in the group.

The Tiffany that I know is very different from the Tiffany that the others know. She has gone through different sets of difficulty.

She is good at fighting and she is the one who plans everything. She is what we can say the leader of the group and she holds the group together. But she holds the most power as well.

They call her the Flame.

When Chris had found the rest of us, we did not get attacked. We lost our families but we were saved by Chris.

But Tiffany is the only one among us who had got attacked and even survived it all.

And we keep her secret and she keeps ours.

If Tiffany is Life, we are the celestial daughters.

Her companions.

"Hey, don't you think that Tiffany should stop being lazy? It's getting really annoying..."- Lee know strutted into our department cabin chewing a piece of gum.

"Oh right, she's lazily hunting those dark spirits!"- I rolled my eyes without even taking a glance at him.

I don't know what bad blood he has with Tiffany but he's always out to get her.

He's always around to pick a fight with her ever since the first day.

His group mates say that he thinks that Tiffany is a problem to the Council and should be gotten rid off.

I heard him click his tongue.

"And as far as I remember, you're not welcome here to strut in uninvited, so please see yourself out!"- I stated flatly.

"Make sure to tell her if I find her slacking off even for a moment, she should pack up and leave for good!"- He sneered.

"Yeah, sure, good luck!"- I clicked enter on my keyboard and spun on my chair to give a saccharin smile.

Good luck at finding her slack off, she's basically married to her job, ha!

But this worries us too, because she loses sleep and skips meals over it.

Our physical abilities might be heightened but still our body needs the required maintenance.

I saw him groan and leave. He never really gets to meet Tiffany though, as she is just really good at avoiding stuff she really wants to.

I got up and stretched my arms and proceeded to make myself a cup of filter coffee.

As I poured myself the hot water into my mug, I remembered what happened that one time.

It was a week into the physical training. Us girls were given separate space to train ourselves. While me and Sasha stuck to our basic routine as required, Olivia and Harmony proceeded to advanced combat training. And Tiffany trained in solitude with Chris and others whenever required.

We gathered in the hall from time to time for Social gatherings and important events. So that one time, a common training agent had harassed a girl intimately.

I had never seen Tiffany get so furious.

When the seniors of the council were discussing what to do and Chris was supposed to have the say in the matter, he told Tiffany to deal with it.

Tiffany looked at the filthy man in the eyes and told that the hands that committed such a disgusting thing shall be put to flames.

The man had taken it lightly but his hands soon caught fire.

It was all screams and cries but Tiffany stayed still.

It was then that I realized that the old Tiffany was long gone and what left of her was someone we no longer knew.

But I liked to believe that our Tiffany is still ours.

Whenever someone asked Chris about it, he stayed shut or sometimes he would say that if it belongs to her, she can do whatever she wants with it.

Everything belonged to her.

She could do whatever she wanted.

Then why is she always on the run?

What is she running from?

Why does she work so hard to hide?

Why can't she just be herself?

Why can't we just be ourselves?

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