Ch 17. Ava

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"She told you to send yellow carnations?"- Harmony was almost rolling on the floor laughing when Scarlett was telling us how she was shocked to find Tiffany as a God.

After meeting Scarlett we spent nearly two whole hours catching up to each other.

She was taken captive as a refugee when the attacks broke out and after a lot of trouble, she was given a position in the Divine Council in the lower ranks. It's good that she had climbed the ladder and is now working at the Headquarters.

"Yeah at first I didn't understand why she wanted yellow carnations specifically, but the lady from the flowershop asked me twice to confirm if it's carnations in yellow that is required. I confirmed the order and later when I looked it up, I got to know what it was about."- Scarlett explained while Olivia and Sasha continued to shake with laughter.

Even I was laughing so hard.

"She rejected the person with a bouquet  of flowers?"- Harmony was so close to busting a lung. All of us were cackling.

"Look, it's Tiffany that we're talking about and then he sent chrysanthemums. I don't think that sending funeral flowers to someone who represents life force is a smart move."- Sasha shrugged.

"Yeah, red or white, it's still Chrysanthemums. It was off."- I agreed.

"Do you normally exchange a lot of chrysanthemums in your offices? Does House Death only accept Chrysanthemums?"- Olivia leaned forward truly interested.

"No, we don't keep flowers at all, Death might keep flowers but employees like us don't have time to tend to flowers and stuff "- Scarlett nodded.

"Typical offices ugh!"- Olivia groaned.

"So, what are the Gods saying? Is Tiffany going to be a loner?"- Sasha creased her eyebrows.

She's right. Fitting in here at the Divine Council is definitely not going to be a piece of cake.

And we barely managed to hold up at the Agents' Council.

"Well, as you've seen, Death is kind of embarrassed about the incident on the night of the competition. I mean he had grabbed Tiffany by her collar and tried to strangle her, so, he is really not sure how to deal with it."- Scarlett shrugged as she continued to explain.

"And what about the other God?"- Harmony voiced out.

Scarlett took a deep breath.


I bet that he's sulking in a corner.

After all, he lost the ring to Tiffany, he's surely going to hold a grudge.

"You see, he..."- Scarlett was measuring her words.

"Yes?"- Olivia sat up with unblinking eyes.

"Well, he's holding up fine I guess? He's a bit furious, I suppose?"- Scarlett wasn't sure how to put it in a polite manner that Love is totally losing his mind over the fact that he couldn't win the game.

"A bit furious? He's surely planning how to harass Tiffany."- Sasha rolled her eyes.

"I know right? He looked like he had a score to settle with her."- Olivia groaned.

Harmony nodded her head in agreement.

"Are the Gods as cruel as they say?"- I really don't know why I said this out loud.

But I really needed to know.

Are Gods really as bad?

Everyone fell silent.

Maybe asking this to a Council member was wrong.

"It's actually relative."- Scarlett answered.

We looked at her, still not uttering a single word.

"For example, if anyone of them catches us talking shit about them, they have the capacity to harm us. They can do it in a whim. But every action has it's consequences. And the Gods were also once human. So, they are not likely to harm us for just some empty gossip. But keep it in mind, that they have the ability to cause us harm. And this is what makes people fear them."- Scarlett finished.

"Is there any kind of hierarchy?"- Harmony said after a beat of silence.

"Well yeah, the Gods are on the top, but then we also have our Neo-politicians, so anything that they say is to be taken seriously. But a word of advice, consider the Gods to be more superior."

"Do the Gods have hierarchy?"- Sasha lowered her voice.

"Technically no, but hypothetically yes! It is considered that the God of Life has more authority than the other houses. And that's because both Love and Death are connected to Life."

"Is there anything interesting that we should know?"- Olivia leaned back.

"Not really, oh right! People often speculate about the soulmates of the Gods!"

"Is that some sort of hobby? Gossiping about their romantic relationships?"- I couldn't help but ask. People still have their weird hobbies going.

"Yeah, it kind of makes things entertaining. The Gods obviously pay no heed to such baseless rumors."

"And what's the current gossip that's going around this building?"- I somehow felt that this is a hundred percent something about Tiffany.

Scarlett gulped.

"Uhh..."- She hesitated.

"What is it?"- Olivia leaned forward eagerly to which everyone followed suit.

"Everyone's saying that Death is Tiffany's soulmate!"- Scarlett blurted out.

A beat of silence.

And then everyone burst out laughing.

Sasha almost fell off the chair laughing and Harmony was holding her head on her hand.

Olivia was close to crying out of laughter.

Even I couldn't stop myself from cackling out loud.

Scarlett sat there looking at us go wild at the unbelievable statement.

"Is it because of the flowers?"- Harmony stopped laughing for a second or two and then again continued to laugh.

"Yeah probably!"- Scarlett had started to smile realizing how weird it was.

"Oh God, I wonder how she's going to survive the meeting!"- Sasha breathed to compose herself and deliberately failed in doing so as she fell back into laughter.

"I dunno who her soulmate is, but it's not Death!"- Olivia stood up wobbling continuing to laugh.

How will we know who her soulmate is?

And who said that she needs a soulmate?


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