Ch 4. Tiffany

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When will I ever stop running?

Will I ever stop running at all?

It's getting exhausting.

Chris had told me again and again to not always go alone for these inspections, as it might invite me unnecessary perils.

But these perils are also mine to handle.

I never actually came across those people who I want to avoid so bad.

But there are still chances that someone might find me or might accidentally sense my energy.

I felt my heart rate quicken at the thought of getting caught.

I tugged my pendant out of my neck and felt the gem in my hand. It's cold and smooth surface gave me a sense of security that nobody will ever find me.

I'll be safe. I'll somehow be just okay.

A few feet away behind the broken wall, I felt a presence.


It had a little aura of light.

Must be a child.

The presence moved away with pattering footsteps.

I decided to pursue it.

Not a moment passed when I heard a scream and a darkness emanating in heaps in front of me.

I jumped over the wall in an instant and flipped out my blade, a shining gold.

It was a child indeed.

And one of those zombie like creatures that are rampant these days.

The creature stepped back as soon as it saw me.

I pushed the child behind me and held onto him.

The creature bared it's teeth at me and let out a snarl.

My blade glistened in the sun.

But I had miscalculated the situation.

It wasn't just one of those creatures.

It was a swarm of them.

Now this was not good.

If I were alone I could've just massacred them all. But with the child hiding behind me it'll prove to be difficult.

And moreover if I use my power anyhow, someone might sense me.

I put up my barrier around the child and stepped out myself.

The child started crying even more.

"I promise to protect you. What do you think, can you trust me? A little bit maybe?"- I tried to smile and sound playful to not make the child feel troubled any more.

The child just continued to cry.

I took a step forward and looked at the creatures and stated- "You are to leave!"

The creatures stepped back.

However one of them pounced at me.

I tried to tackle it to the ground and slammed it's head on the concrete.

And in that moment itself I felt it.

Light and darkness.

The light was strong and the darkness was peaceful.

The people of the Divine.

The child had stopped crying for a second and looked at my face.

I looked back and reached for my pendant.

But there was no pendant.


And I had no time.


No . No. No.

This can't he happening.

What happened?

I tried to look around but the creatures were getting impatient and might attack any moment.

And the Divine presence just kept getting closer. And closer still.

I took a deep breath and looked at the child- "The flame shall keep you safe!"

And everything went up in flames while the barrier around the child strengthened.

The child's cry trailed off.

Amidst the roaring fire I ran.

They had definitely felt my presence and they would come for me.

They would definitely come for me.

I jumped over the walls and the scattered vegetations and took the route through the forest towards the exercise fields.

I cut through the fence and landed on the exercise track.

And collapsed on the ground for a moment.

"Tiffany, what happened?"- I heard Olivia run towards me and Harmony as well.

I sat up breathing heavily - "I need to go. I need to shield me first."

I stood up to run to my room to get another pendant.

They might have already started tracking me.

"What? What are you talking about?"- Harmony sounded lost.

"Meet me in Chris's office in five"- I said as I ran off.

"Look if it isn't the Tiffany running around doing whatever she pleases!"- I heard Lee Know jeer at me as I passed by him at the main building.

I stayed shut and decided to ignore his words but I've started to feel really tired so I turned back.

"Is Chris at his office? Can I go see him now?"- My voice sounded hollow.

"You think that Chris is your servant? You think that he's always sitting around like you?"

I really didn't have time for this and as if he felt my patience running thin, he just gave me a nod to get me going.

I knocked on his office door before letting myself in.

Chris looked surprised to see me standing in front of him and that too in his office.

I rarely visited him.

I feel like I'm a burden to him, so I stay out of his way.

"Tiffany? What's the matter?"- Chris gave a friendly smile as he looked up at me.

"They got me!"

He looked baffled for a second there and blinked at me twice while I stood in front of him with wide open unblinking eyes.

The blood left his face while I felt blood rushing in my heart.

The expression left of him was that of a pale spectre.

I'm really doomed this time.

Dark Crown | a Yeonjun FF | Part 1 Complete Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat