Unlikely Romance

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" Are you a ticket, baby? 'Cuz you got fine written all over ya. " A greaser snorted, as I walked past him.

" Who's that? " I whispered to my friend, Sherri. We all knew her by Cherry, cause of her hair .

" I believe that's Two-Bit. I met him a while ago, along with Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. "

" He's a real joker, huh. "

She chuckled, " You can say that again, he scared the tar out of Johnny when I was there. Poor kid's face turned white as snow."

Two-Bit kept on looking at me and I couldn't help but laugh at his constant jokes.

" I think he likes you. " Cherry whispered into my ear.

" Don't you think I know that? " I giggled, mesmerized by Two-Bit's laugh.

" You both even laugh the same. " She added.

I blushed,  "I don't laugh like him! "

Sherri and I both turned our heads to see Two-Bit again. He kept on glancing at me. I slowly waved.

"See? I told you he had his eyes on you."

"Even if he does, he probably... has a girlfriend or somethin', Cher."

"Well, maybe he doesn't. You don't know unless if you go up to him and ask him. Don't worry, after the whole incident... I don't think anyone would say something against  you talking to a greaser."

I nervously bit my lower lip, then looked at Cherry, "Alright."

Cherry smiled, "Don't worry, we'll be waiting over there." She points then waves at me as she walked ahead.

I slowly made my way towards Two-bit who suddenly stopped laughing. He looked over at me with a cool smirk, "Hey there."

I felt my cheeks turn hot. I smiled, "Hey. Heard your name was Two-bit. What's a fella like you doing all alone over here?"

He shrugged, "Not sure. I'm just trying to find my soul mate." He then winked.

"Well, guess you'll have to keep searching. Oh! How about them? They suit your style" I jokingly pointed at a Soc and he glared at us as we snorted.

Two-bit paused to look at me then laughter erupted from his lips, "You seem pretty okay, for a Soc. Heard you talkin' to Sherri."

I blushed, "Oh boy, you heard us from all over there?"

He nodded then offer his arm, "I sure did, but I think you're quite different." I held onto his arm and walked with him.

"Not all Socs are the same, Two." I started to say.

He then let out a grin, "I think you may be right."

The Outsiders(Imagines)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz