Leather Jacket

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Sodapop walked around the Curtis household, dancing along to Lend Me Your Comb by Carl Perkins , " Hey Ponyboy, have you seen Dally? He left his leather jacket here! "

" No, haven't seen him, maybe he went out for a smoke! " Ponyboy hollered back from his room.

Sodapop looked around anxiously before grinning mischievously, " I don't think Dally will be back soon. "

He put on the leather jacket, studying himself in the mirror, " I'm Dallas Winston and I'm never nice. " He impersonated, a wild laugh came from Two-Bit as he slapped his knee.

Sodapop chuckled, " That little broad was two timing me again while I was in jail. "

Steve joined in with Two-Bit, the two made quite a ruckus just from their laughs.

" I don't like little kids. I don't like 'em ..." Sodapop spoke in his most toughest voice, and at that moment the door swung at the perfect moment.

" What the hell are you doing in my jacket, huh? " Dallas asked, " And what was all that ruckus? Can't a guy smoke a cigarette in peace!? "

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