Math Homework

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Groaning, both my best friend and I pushed our math homeworks to the side.

"Boooring!" She exclaims, putting her head on the table.

"You said it, Gigi. I couldn't even get past the first question. It's beyond boring. And it's hard too."

She takes a look at my homework, "It's just like Algebra 2 though, maybe even easier."

"No way. Trigonometry is so much easier! I mean you hardly have to graph as much as Pre-Calculus!"

We both semi-argued towards which math subject was harder; Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus. The commotion made Two-Bit walk into the kitchen, his hands covering his ears.

"Can't a guy get some sleep 'round here?"

Gigi and I stopped our bickering. We both apologized.

"Sorry, Mickey. We were seeing which math subject was harder. Right Trigonometry is harder?"

I frowned, "Not really, Pre-Calculus is much more harder, right Two?"

He let out a frustrated sigh, "Let me have a look."

He glanced over at our textbooks, carefully reading each question. His eyes grew big.

" What kind of bullshit is this? Not even my grandma's foot is as complicated."

Gigi and I exchanged looks before a thunderous roar escaped our chest. Laughter filled the quiet house.

Two-Bit couldn't help but laugh along with us.

"Her foot is as twisted and complicated as these numbers."

I held in my laugh, "You can't be serious, Two."

"Does it look like I'm kidding? I'd be on the floor laughing if it wasn't true."

Gigi couldn't stop laughing, her laugh was contagious causing both Two-Bit and I to laugh along with her.

"Okay, okay." He finally says holding his stomach just in case another laugh wanted to escape his mouth.

"So... which one is harder?" I casually ask.

"I'd say... " He glances at his wrist and pretends there was a watch on it.

"Oh no, would you look at that! Time's up."

"Time's up?" Gigi asks.

He then nods, "Darry'll be here in three seconds-"

A door slammed open.

"Make that one second."

"Did you two finish your homework?" He yells from the doorway of to the porch. His footsteps growing closer.

I briefly looked at Gigi before staring down at my unfinished work.

We both muttered an 'oops' before writing a ton of random numbers.

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