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Behind us were greasers. We never really talked to greasers, but they didn't seem as deadly as my aunt says they are.

One kicked the back of my chair. I would have hollered at him if it weren't for how handsome he was. Dallas Winston sure was an eye catcher. I felt his eyes on my back.

"Aren't you going to tell him to stop?" You whispered to me. I shrugged.

"Until he starts doing something else, then I don't see why I have to tell him to stop."

I felt someone's breath tickle my neck. I turned my head slightly to see his face near mine.

"You talking 'bout me, babe?"

I giggled. You wiggled your eyebrows at me.

"Say, how 'bout we ditch this place and head to Dingo's?" He whispers on my neck, causing my spine to shiver.

"I hardly even know you." I say, truthfully.

He twirls my hair around his finger, "Who says we need to know eachother to go on a date, babe? C'mon I'll treat you right."

"Oh stop now. You're making me blush."

He smirks.

"So is that a yes?"

I bit my lip, "I don't know, I have a curfew."

"Who gives a shit? Just come with me, babe."

I shook my head, "No, it's alright. Thank you though."

He wouldn't take no for an answer as his face drew closer to mine.

"Just one night won't kill you, babe. Man, I'll make you scream my name all night long."

My ears grew hot. Can't he realize I can't love someone like him?

"I said no."

"Babe, c'mon let's get out of here." He grabbed my waist forcefully as I tried not to look straight at him. His breath tickled my neck and my cheeks felt hot.

"Leave her alone, Dal." The kid who was with him says.

Dallas looks back, pissed,  "Why should I?"

"Just leave her alone."

He stares at me, and then at the kid who stood up for me. Dally looked at me with a smirk, "Alright. Alright." He says getting up, "I'll leave now. Hope to see you sometime." He says to me before grinning playfully and walking away. I remained calm, but then finally let out a big sigh of relief. My cheeks didn't feel too hot anymore. You and I exchanged glances before thanking the boy behind us who was known as Johnny Cade.

"Hey, that was real brave of you." You admit to him. He smiles.

"Come on you two. Sit with us." I gestured, hoping they wouldn't say no. The two boys smiled at each other then with that the two boys sat up with us.

I later found out their names were Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade. The only night I truly felt like us Socs and Greasers got along. No darn rumbling and no bickering. Just us being friends.

That was the last time I saw Johnny Cade and that charming Dallas Winston.

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