[REQUESTED] Just me and you

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For gigilikesbands

You popped a tic tac into your mouth, " Where to, Dally? "

He shrugged, " Wherever the wind takes us. "

It's been four years since you two left the gang after Johnny's death. Dally took it so hard that he nearly killed himself that night if it weren't for You and Ponyboy reaching him in time.

The two of you left two weeks after, leaving no trail behind.

You clearly remembered the words he said to you," Let's go, just the two of us. "

Your constant thoughts were pushed aside once Dallas stopped right on his tracks.

" Don't move, Gigi. " He spoke, moving towards the motorcycle that was left in the middle of nowhere.

He gestured you to walk towards him and so you did. He hopped onto the motorcycle and you had no choice but to hop onto it as well.

" They even left the keys in here. " He smirked to himself.

" Dally, I don't think this is a great idea- Wait, what are you...!?" At this point, you wrapped your arms around his waist as he started the motorcycle.

His smirk grew wide, " Hold on, baby. We're going for a ride, remember that day that I told you; just the two of us. "

With that you smiled, real big too, and he drove away disappearing into the sunset, the gang never hearing from you two ever again.

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