[AU] Jocks and Pictures

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I hate sports, I just can't stand 'em. I don't know if it's cause of the cocky players or the sport itself that makes me loathe it but, I just do.

I shook my head, making my way towards the hall.

" Hey there, geek. " Priscilla spoke, her cold eyes looking right at me.

" What do you want? " I hissed, folding my arms.

"To get your paws off of Sodapop Curtis." Her gum chewing irritated me to no end.

I rolled my eyes, "Look here, miss popular, I don't give a crap bout any jock nor you so quit bitchin' and head home." And with that, I imitated her hair flipping and cat walked away.

I could almost hear her blood boil.

I passed by the principal, " Good afternoon, Sir. You mentioned me interviewing someone for the school newspaper? "

At first he seemed confused but his eyes lit up, " Ah yes, follow me back to my office."

I trailed behind him like a dog following its owner, "Who's the person I'll be interviewing?"

" He's on the football team. "

Great. Just what I needed.

"Which is...?"

He paused, recalling the football player's name, "Ah yes. His name is Sodapop Curtis, he isn't that well known compared to Donald Smith or Mr. Ramirez, but due to his charming looks he'll surely attract people to read our school newspaper."

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to recall who Sodapop was. Or how he even looked like. As I was left pondering, the principal clasped his hands together, "Marvelous! There he is!"

I saw someone jog up to us, and his looks definitely stunned me. His light eyes shimmered under the sun, and his grin was bright, "So I'm going to be on the newspaper?" He asks excitedly as the principal nods, gesturing his hand towards me.

"Ah, yes, I'm (Y/N), I'll be interviewing you for the newspaper!" I quickly spoke, almost wishing I had at least fixed my hair.

Sodapop smiled, "Great! Uh, where to?" The principal told us to host the interview by the football field and we proceeded in going. I've heard his name before...from Priscilla, but I never knew he was so different from the other jocks. I glanced at him quickly as he was prepping himself.

"Er-" I began to say, he turned his head towards me, "What's up? You ready?" He asks, happily.

I nodded, "Alright, so I got your full name from the principal, so we can move past the basics. Maybe tell me why you joined the football team?" I asked, opening my notepad and uncapped my pen. He looked up as if he was thinking, he tapped on his chin then looked at me with bright eyes.

"I wanted to feel that freedom, of running through the field and having people cheer for something that I'm good at. I felt concealed under that helmet and people only focused on how I played the sport. Not, y'know having girls go gooey eyed on me for my looks, but actually seeing how I'd play and make scores. Stuff like that!"

I jotted that as quickly as I could, becoming mesmerized by his words as they came out of his lips. I knew then, that not all jocks are assholes. Much less, Sodapop Curtis. His movie star smile can make any girl fall in love. But for me, it was his words.

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