[Slightly AU] I like you

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" Stop, running. " He panted, sweat dripped from his forehead down his cheeks.

" Must you always follow me? " I asked, impatiently, waiting for his answer.

He kept quiet, his head rested against a fence as I looked at him. I have to admit he did look pretty handsome under the moonlight.

" Well... are you going to answer me or shall I get going? "

Again, there was nothing but silence, " I knew it. I'm going home Ponyboy, this time try not following me. "

A sudden weight came onto me, a pair of strong arms wrapped my shoulders. Suddenly, my heart began to race.

" (Y/N), I like you. You made me feel different, Sodapop is in Vietnam now, Johnny and Dally died two years ago. I thought I'd never get a chance to smile again but then, you came into my life. Sure I did become a nuisance here and there but I just didn't want you to leave me, that's all. "

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