Progress Report

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Scared. Very very Scared. I was extremely scared. It was my progress report. And Darry had to sign it. Oh man. OHHH MAN. I screwed up BIG time. Two D's. I know I can bring it up, but he wouldn't believe me. I walked slowly towards the house I shared with the Curtis brothers.

" Mel, you okay? " Ponyboy asked looking down at my slumped head.

" I am dead. " I whispered.

" Progress report? "

I nodded slowly.

" Darry will surely yell at you, but he wouldn't do much. "

" I'll feel like a disappointment. " I muttered.

I nervously stepped inside. My progress report clenched between my fingers.

Darrel was sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper as usual.

"Hey Darry, I'm back from school." I begun to say. Ponyboy was behind me waving his progress report for Darry to see.

"They came out today?"

Ponyboy and I nodded in unison.

He happily grabbed the progress reports, nodding in agreement towards the classes we did best in.

I closed my left eye tight leaving my right eye open.

"Not bad, Ponyboy. Now let's see yours Mel."

He squinted a little reading my grades. I knew them in order after looking at them for several times.

He rose an eyebrow.

"Two D's? In what? "

My shoes seemed more interesting to me as I avoided his eyes.

"English and Pre-Calculus."

Ponyboy nervously looked at me then at Darrel.

Darrel was about to yell at me, I know he was. Yet, something prevented him.

"As long as you bring them up to at least to a C by your report card I won't hold it against you."

A grin formed on my lips. The anxiety I had washed away.

"Oh Darry! You're the best! " I leapt into his strong arms, hugging him tight.

Ponyboy frowned, "How come Mel doesn't get to be yelled at, but if I get a 'B' I'm held against it for the rest of the school year?"

"Cause Mel has hard courses, Ponyboy. She's in a higher grade level then you."

Ponyboy pouted, "Alright. Alright. I guess that's fair."

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