772 11 9

January 03, 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada

"Hurry the fuck up!" I hear my friend Anna yell from downstairs "Hey!" I hear my moms muffled voice warn Anna "No vulgar language" I start laughing as Anna starts stuttering as she rambles on excuses for her insolent choice of vocabulary.

Right now I was getting ready to go to Josh's party. Josh and Anna were my two closest friends, because Josh was in the football team he was quite popular so he'd throw a few parties here and there but only if he was forced to or if there was special occasions. Just like me Josh wasn't too big on parties and drinking.

"VEDA!" Anna yells even louder "Hold on! God, I'm just getting my wallet and phone!" I irritatedly yell back "Well hurry then" She replies as I practically hear the eye roll from upstairs. Finally I had found the things I was looking for, finally making my way down to impatient Anna.

I was not wearing anything too extravagant just a corset, baggy jeans, air forces and a flannel on top "Seriously. A million hours and you're just wearing that" Anna rolls her eyes "Hey!" I frown, she just laughs "I'm kidding you look amazing" She gives me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Alright come on now" She drags me to her car "Be home by 12!" My mom yells "Yes Ms. Solace!" Anna replies from outside making it loud enough so my mom heard.

"You ready?" Anna smirks as she goes to start her car, I take a deep breath and just lean back into my seat "sure" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh come on Veda, live a little" Anna nudges me lightly making me roll my eyes and laugh at her attempt in cheering me up.

"Theres the laugh I haven't heard since I mentioned the party" Anna joked "yea yea whatever" I chuckled as I changed the song to punk tactics.

"Come on were here" Anna shakes me awake "no I'll continue sleeping here" I frowned as I swatted her hand away making her groan in annoyance. It always ended up like this, we'd go out somewhere, I'd fall asleep in the car no matter how short the car ride was and Anna or Josh would try and get me to get up.

"Anna! You made it!" I hear Josh come up to Anna, from the corner of my eye I see the two hugging and I see Josh turn to look at me making me hurriedly close my eyes to pretend I'm sleeping.

"Not cooperating again?" Josh queried "Yep" Anna spoke nonchalantly "Guess someone here won't be having cookie dough ice cream, what a shame, set some aside just for her" Josh spoke loud enough for me to hear.

My eyes opened at this and turned towards the 2 who were just starring at me "Awake now?" Josh chuckled ".. yes" I softly spoke "Ok well come on" Josh goes to the other side of the car opening the door and grabbing my arm helping me up.

"Happy Birthday" I hugged Josh "Thank's love" He gave a kiss on my head, he lead us in the bar and greeted us to a few people we hadn't met "wait... did you even have ice cream set aside for me?" I ask as I realize were at a bar and not his house.

"Yes I did don't worry" Josh chuckled "YAY! WHERE?" I jumped up and down excitedly "fridge" Anna voiced out as she pointed to the fridge beside a photo booth "Ok thanks! Happy birthday, bye bye!" I ran to the fridge that had the ice cream.

"Yum" I whispered to myself as I opened the fridge door seeing the ice cream in all its glory, I licked my lips, got a spoon and took the pint all for myself. I just sat at the side watching as others drank, danced to the music being played by a band or making out.

"Hello" I heard someone sit beside me, I looked up seeing Keaton, he was in my math class. Keaton was one of the quiet, innocent and smart kids so he was picked on sometimes but not too often. I was honestly surprised he was here knowing he was quite the introvert.

"Hey" I politely smiled "What're you doing here? I didn't think you were much of a party person" I tried starting a conversation "Sister convinced me" He shrugged as he looked over to the corner of the bar. There, you could see his twin sister dancing all over another guy.

"I didn't really want to see my sister and some guy ... getting it on so I decided I'd sit here" He shrugged as he chuckled lightly "reasonable" I laughed along. Me and Keaton talked and I got to know him more.

He was a fun guy, never doubted him to be one of the boring ones anyways. I felt bad he got picked on, thankfully though he didn't get picked on a whole lot.

"Veda!" I heard someone call for me to my right a few meters away from me, my head turned to the right seeing Anna and Josh who had beckoned me over , I turned to Keaton with an apologetic look.

"Oh no its fine, I'll be alright go on" Keaton politely smile "Thanks, I'll talk to you again" I smiled back "alright" Keaton waved as I left.

"You and Keaton huh?" Josh smirks as he nudges me "Oh shut up I was being friendly, and quite frankly I don't really do well with a crowd" I rolled my eyes "whatever come on" Josh shoves me into the photo booth beside us.

"Ouch" I muttered as I fell onto the chair Josh pushed me on to "Ok... pennies pennies pennies" Josh pats his pockets checking for any coins he could possibly have "Have you gotten pennies I don't have any" Josh asks.

"Ive got tons" I state as I got from my purse "Holy shit she's got like a million in there" Anna laughs as she looks into my purse and goes to get some pennies, I swat her hand away making Josh laugh.

"Come on hurry up" Anna says "alright alright" I roll my eyes.

I put the penny in and finally the first flash turns on. For the first one we just did a normal smiley face, for the next we did whacky faces and for the last we were all hugging each other.

The last flash of the camera had felt different though. It was extra bright and suddenly I felt all consciousness leave my body as the bright white flash soon turned into nothing but darkness.

↳ 𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 ༉‧˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now