147 8 36

April 18 1998, Las Vegas, Nevada

"Brian could you go a little higher on that note" Denniz instructs "like this?" Brian sings his part that Denniz had commented on "yes, right thats good" Denniz approves, Brian goes and sings it again once Denniz gives the cue.

Currently we have finished recording I need you tonight, that was the only song we've finished actually, but I don't mind, we were making progress. Honestly, we were set to release this album next year since we had other things to do this year, so it really did take the stress of our shoulders kniwing we still had a full year to record this album.

"Nick, watch" AJ catches my attention, I look towards his direction and see him with a ping pong ball and a ping pong paddle, he shows me as he aims it to Kevins head "no, he's gonna lose his shit" Veda warns from beside me. Me and Veda were currently seated on a sofa that sat about 3 people, meanwhile AJ sat on the arm of the single seated couch next to the sofa me and Veda were sat on "be quiet and watch" AJ whispers, he aims and he scores!

Kind of...

Kevin feels the ping pong ball and slowly turns his head to me and Veda's direction both of us aggressively shaking our head at the accusing look Kevin was giving us and pointing to AJ "way to throw me under the bus" AJ hissed a slight frown on his face "I warned you" Veda whispers back "I'm getting you back" Kevin glares daggers at AJ.

"uh oh" I teasingly grin at AJ "oh fuck off frack" AJ throws a stone that was in a plant pot at me as I duck so I don't get hit which caused the stone to hit the wall and create a noise, Denniz looks towards our direction and raises an index to his mouth telling us to quiet down.

After a few minutes, it was my turn to record, and because I was such a great singer I got it one take! "Amen" AJ bro hugs me as I step out of the recording booth, AJ then takes my place in the booth so he could record his parr "I have an idea!" Kevin suddenly sparks up "what" I tilt my head confused "I should scare AJ, as revenge, there's a clown mask here somewhere I'm pretty sure .." Kevin trails off looking for the mask.

"no, no and no. Kevin do not, you're supposed to be mature about handling situations like this" Veda warns as she takes the clown mask before Kevin could "hey give that to me!" Kevin frowns "No, be mature" Veda sternly says as she hides it behind her back "... fine" Kevin sighs as he 'gives in'.

"Good" Veda puts the mask down where she got it slowly, and just immediately after Kevin's facade changes into a cheeky grin and he gets the clown mask "such mature people I'm surrounded with" Veda mutters as she sits back down beside me "I know right!" Howie chimes in taking a seat on the other side of Veda.

Kevin puts on the mask and goes near the recording booth door, and soon AJ finishes, exiting the booth "hey I kinda want Mc- AHHHHHHH" He screams as Kevin screams at AJ as. Kevin had his face in front of AJ's which scared AJ to death "that would be a good note to include into the album" Denniz jokes making us laugh, AJ ignores the comment and just as AJ would, he seeks vengeance. "I fucking hate you!" AJ goes to pounce on Kevin, Veda tugs on my sleeve and gives me a look telling me to help stop the situation.

"but its like... MMA" I whined wanting to see them fight, meanwhile Kevin is running around laughing at AJ as AJ furiously runs after Kevin muttering.. not so pleasant words "please" V asks of me "fine" I roll my eyes and get up to grab AJ "hey- let go of me!" AJ tries to get off my grip "nuh uh" I pull him and put him in the bathroom locking him in.

"I told you to stop the fight not lock the guy!" Veda says her jaw dropped "oops.." I trail off looking between the bathroom door, where sounds of AJ pounding on the door emitted, and shocked Veda standing, the sound of Kevin and the others laughing in the background.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now