Zoro x Reader

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Ok so first of I'm starting this story when you guys were kids k?

You were running along the rocks close to a river. You always do this when you pass by to deliver some food to a friend of your fathers.

As you walk along the rocks you have always noticed that you pass a boy with green hair training. You didn't really know his name, all you knew was that he was a swordsman in training.

You decided one day that you would always give him food so that he won't starve. You really didn't want him to die.

Today is the day when you were able to sneak out a piece of bread with cream cheese.

You saw him there pulling a gigantic rock with only his teeth hanging upside down.

The green haired boy wasn't looking at you, in fact he was looking the other way.

You went up to a giant rock and placed the bread with cream cheese on the giant rock. You then hid around the rock where you made sure he didn't see you.

After you made sure he couldn't see you, you whistle loudly startling him making him drop the rock and him hitting his head on the rock. Oops.

You quickly run away from that spot before he caught you.

You hid in one of the trees close by watching him.

He looked around only to find a piece of bread with cream cheese on a rock. He looked around to see if he saw anyone but saw no one. Satisfied enough he grabbed it and started eating. He said something but you were to far you couldn't hear.

You were happy that he was eating it.

You decided that every day you would bring him some thing to eat.

That went on until at lest two months later he set a trap for you. You really didn't notice it.

He was meditating in the waterfall that was close by to the rock that you always put the food out for him.

You didn't know that he was waiting for you and that he was watching that rock. You also didn't know that the waterfall was hiding rope to activate the trap.

He saw your hand and pulled the trap.
He smirked as he caught you.

The trap surprised you. You were about to whistle to tell him his food is there.

He appeared in front of you.

"Oh so your the one who has been leaving me food. Never expected it to be a girl that looks around my age. What's your name? I'm Zoro and I'm going to be the worlds best swordsman." He yelled with a cocky smile.

"Well I'm (y/n), and I want to explore the world some day." You smiled as he got you out of the trap.

Soon after that you guys became the best of friends. Always doing stuff together. You two fell in love but you guys kept on denying it.

Until one day a band of pirates kidnapped you. Zoro tried to get you back. He almost did to but one of the crew mates got you before he could grab your hand. He only was able to grab your (f/c) headband.

After that he never saw you again.
The end
You guys really thought I would leave it at that? No way. I hate depressing endings so let's continue shall we? Btw you were 6 when it happened ok.

~thirteen years later~

Zoro was holding onto your (f/c) headband. It was the only reminder of you that he had. It helped him through tuff times and it helped him get stronger since it was always a reminder to him that he couldn't protect you.

He always wondered where in the world were you? Are you ok? Did you escape? Are you hurt? Are you missing him as much as he is you? All those questions popped in his head every tin he saw a bread with cream cheese and your (f/c) headband.

You were currently on the island the Straw Hat Pirates were heading to. You escaped from the pirates that took you away. They taught you how to fight since they took you way and the captain's son seemed to like you but there first mistake was to teach you how to fight. You were the best fighter there.

After you escaped the ship burned down and a storm camp ten minutes after it happened. Worst part is was that you were in the grand line when it happened.

You got knocked out and was washed up on a island. And let's just say it was a good thing that you where a girl. The island you washed up on was Amazon Lily.

When you woke up you were in a bed. Women were around you.

You told them your story and they agreed to help you. They gave you a home taught you everything about their village, taught you how to fight better. Soon they became family to you and you decided to dress like them. (You decided what you wear)

You learned will power and how to use any weapon. After about ten years with them you have to leave.

~back to the present~

As you were drinking, the Straw Hats ship, the thousand sunny, docked. You didn't know that your childhood friend was part of the crew.

After your drink you went around for a walk. You see someone with something green on there head but think little of it.

You head towards their direction. You see the man with something green on his head clearly and notice it was actually green hair. You look at the mans face finding it looked familiar.

Soon deciding to find out if it's really him you buy bread and cream cheese.

You follow him till he is in a clearing. You wait a few minutes before putting it on a rock nearby and whistling. He jumps startled by the whistle.

He looked around and found a bread with cream cheese on a rock.

"Ok now I'm imagining stuff right now" he then sighed.

Not satisfied with that answer but happy he remembers, you look over the rock to find him sleeping.

You started to make the same trap he made for you trap you in but instead on you setting it you just put it on top of him.

Him being a heavy sleeper and not hearing a thing. You went you to his ear and whistled again louder this time.

He sees the trap you put on him and looks at you. Recognizing you he cut up the trap and hugged you. You hugged back without hesitation.

After a minute or two of hugging he pulled away and cupped your cheek.

"I missed you so much I thought you never got away." He said leaning in a bit.

"I missed you too. The thought about seeing you again made me live." You said leaning in to were your lips are almost touching.

"I love you (y/n)" was all he said before he kissed you.

After you both pulled away form the kiss you hugged him.

"I love you too Zoro"

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