Luffy x Reader

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with school work. But now I'm on summer vacation. I'm also happy that I passed 7th grade and that I'm going in 8th grade. I'm a bit scared of it since the teachers at my school expect a lot. But I'm not going to worry about that right now since I still have to update and writing for you guys keeps me distracted also I enjoy it but I might not update right away since I got other books to update but here's the chapter.


The day was kind of normal of the ship. If you call normal meaning Nami navigating and maybe beating Zoro and Sanji if there bugging her with there fighting or Brook when he asked to see her panties. Sanji fighting or fantasizing about women (Nami and Robin). Zoro training, drinking or sleeping. Chopper fishing along with Usopp. Robin being the normal one out of all of them reading. But you didn't know what Luffy was up to. You asked around and everyone said the same thing "haven't seen him".

You were getting pretty worried about your captain seeing how he doesn't really think things through but somehow you fell in love with the idiot but would never admit it to anyone.

The thing that you didn't know was the fact that he had the same feelings for you. That's why he was hiding from everyone. He didn't want people to see his weakness. You.

He might be stupid, really stupid but when things like this happen he knows.

As you continue looking for your captain, you had the feeling that someone was watching you from a far but thought little of it since

1. Your in the middle of the ocean.
2. Your crew members would know if their was someone else on the ship.
3. Who in the right minds would want to sneak on the Thousands Sunny, risk there lives knowing full well who you guys are in the middle of the ocean with no escape route (no ships in site).

As you continue looking for your captain, you kept on ignoring the feeling thinking Robin was using her devil fruit powers. You weren't wrong about that though. She was watching you both of you.

Luffy kept on looking at you from the shadows. He wanted to tell you how he felt ever since he saw you bug never had the courage to do it. He would always back out at the last minute. He was afraid of what you would think, say, act but he was most afraid of the fact that he could lose you.

He was afraid that you might quit the crew because of him. So he kept his feelings to himself.

He watched you as you were looking for something but he didn't know what. He watched as you beautiful (h/c) hair danced in the wind, your (e/c) eyes looking for something. He could get lost in your eyes. He does every time, but would never admit it.

He thought it was cute that you were looking for something but couldn't find it.

The ship began to shake because of Zoro and Sanji fighting causing Nami to yell really loud too. (N/a: just go with it :P)

Luffy then fell out of his hiding spot causing (y/n) to turn around and see her captain.

(Y/n) smiled as she ran up to her captain and hugged him. Luffy was both happy and shocked. Happy that she was hugging him, and shocked that she did hug him.

"Hey captain. Where have you been? I've been looking for you all over the place." You said as you pulled away to look at your captain causing you to blush a bit but was hardly noticeable unless you looked closely or if you were Robin.

"Um... I was... Uhh sleeping in the bird watcher." Luffy answered nervously avoiding your eyes.

"Really? Because I looked around there and no one was in there." Luffy looked a bit surprised by your comeback.

"Um... I then went into the aquarium." He said forgetting that he can't swim.

"Aren't you a devil fruit user?" You ask as you give him a questing look, even though you knew the answer. Everyone who even knows his Mae knows that answer.

He was thinking of what to say, but him and his idiot side said something he didn't want you to hear and he was embarrassed after he said that.

"I was watching you ok? I wasn't at the bird watcher or at the aquarium I was watching you and I have been for the past four months." He said. You were surprised and blushing hard.

He got up and left but before he did he said the three little words you have been dieing to hear coming from his mouth. "I love you" it was so quiet you could almost miss it if you were fair away.

It took you a few moments to regain yourself but once you do, you run after him. Once you see him you pull him into a kiss.

It took him a few seconds to process what was going on but finally kissed back. To your surprise he was a very good kisser. Soon you both needed air and pulled away. "Luffy. I love you too" You smiled hugging him. He hugged you back then picked you up and carried you to your room right before saying 'I love you'.

End hehe

Sorry I was so late to post this and sorry it's a bit short please forgive me.

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