Cheater Luffy X Yandere Reader (AU)

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Just by the title you'll know this won't end good... well for Luffy that is and the girl he's using as the other girl...
What's with Luffy almost always being the cheater in my one shots?...
I don't get it...

Song is: This Little Girl by Cady Groves

Don't judge me!! I'm emo!!!!!

"Hey Luffy!" You yelled, not gaining the attention he was giving to his phone. He didn't even bother to look at you.

"Do you mind? I'm too busy to deal with you." He said then soon smirked and started typing. After about a minute passed by and his phone was in his packet as he began walking away. "I have somewhere better to be. Go bother Law or something for all I care. I don't have time to baby sit your ass. You know you might as well go to Kid instead. Your both kids." He said leaving you in front of the whole school. Alone.

The sound of a string breaking could be heard... Nine strips left.

You got your keys, but where you going?
The third degree just isn't working.
'Cause you walked out without asking me to go,
And if I followed you home, would you be alone?

Laughs could be heard as the (short/tall) (h/c) haired girl walked through the halls.

"Does she even know what he's doing to other girls?"

"No she doesn't, I know because he did me behind her back."

"Your so lucky!!! I wonder when it's my turn?"

A string broke.... Eight more strings left.

I checked your phone, 'cause it was beeping
Are you alone? I know you're creepin'
'Cause you walked out without asking me to go,
But if I followed you home, I hope your alone

"I heard that he started cheating on her after a month of them dating."

"Really I heard it was a week after."

"Well who cares! It don't matter as long as she learns her lesson."

"Your heartless dude! That's what I love about ya!"

"Please tell me your gay for me."

"What if I was?"

"I would fuck you so hard you wont be able to stand for months."

(N/a: don't judge... I'm sure some of you will like to see two boys together...)

Two strings broke... Six more strings left...

I'm three steps from the edge
Don't push me over it
Don't you know, don't you know

"I heard that he only stays with her ugly ass is because her father's loaded."

"Really? I never knew she was rich. I guess that's why her grades are so good. She bribes the teachers with money!"

Two strings broke... Four more strings left...

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her
Watch out you, don't push me any further, any further
You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun.
This little girl is capable of murder 'cause you hurt her

Not wanting to hear the rest of the sad truth the other students where saying, you quickly walked away while tears started forming under your (e/c) eyes.

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