Law X Reader X Zoro

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Ok I suggest that you read the the previous Law X reader and Law X reader part 2, you of course don't have to but it's kinda part of the storyline I guess. XD


"Bepo! Let me hug you!" You said as you had thrown yourself at the fluffy polar bear to Law's dismay. He was quite irritated by this.

He knows you know that he didn't have any work to do, so why aren't you wanting to cuddle with him. An animated tick mark appeared on his forehead.

You and Law have been dating for about a year, but you always seem to want to hug and cuddle Bepo.

Now you did and will always love Law, but it's always funny when Law gets jealous, it's even cute.

"Bepo, when will we be at the next island?" He asked as he tried to not let his jealousy lace into his words when he looked at his first mate, that was now on the ground with a love able (h/c) haired biologist on top on him.

"Around 3 p.m. Captain." Bepo replied as he got comfy in the new position, which angered the surgeon with jealousy as he saw you on top of his first mate with your head buried into the polar bear's chest.

He, again, walked over to you, picked you up, through you over his shoulder, and walked away. In return you you looked up at the crew with a peace sign and mouth the worlds:

"You owe me 500 belí now"

Yes you and the crew, all except Bepo, made a bet saying that you couldn't make Law show ONE emotion, since they basically thought he was an emotionless bastard. So now you got 500 more belí in your pocket, well actually it's more then that since its 500 belí per person. Which your extremely happy about.


Law had forced you to cuddle with him... Again.

It's not like you hated that fact of cuddling with your Mr. Fuzzy Hat, you loved it actually but it's just funny to see his face when your teasing and/ or making him jealous.

Law was finally happy with the fact that you were in HIS arms, but that quickly ended when Penguin came in knocking on the door.

Law gave an annoyed look as he propped up his head with his arm while his other one pulled you even closer to him then you were earlier. If that was even possible since you believed that not even air could squeeze threw you too.

"Um, Captain... Sorry for interrupting, but we're here. We docked and are waiting your orders." Penguin asked very timidly as you started grabbing Law's coat and you buried your head into his chest with a big grin. Which help him from killing, or cutting up his subordinate for interrupting his time with you.

"Ugh. Fine. You guys go get all the supplies we will need till we reach the next island, get whatever you also will need before night fall. Now get." He said as he then started resting his head on your chest and Penguin leaving quick closing the door.

To his dismay, you started getting up. In reply he started hugging you even tighter.

"Mr. Fluffy Hat" you said in a, some what, light kids voice. "Let me go, I'm following your orders! I need some new books for research." You said as you looked at the man. He gave you a blank stare, well it would seem light a blank stare but his eyes told you a different story. They told you love.

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