Nami x Male!Reader

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I feel like I'm doing a lot of AU in this one fanfic. Please take a guess. One of them is quite easy but I'm not so sure about the other one. No really I have no idea if it would be easy or not.

The dark wooden door let out a slight of a creek as an unknown figure slowly pushed open. Movement halted when the noisy sound invaded the quiet peaceful air. The unknown person waited a few minutes to make sure no one was there to have heard the noise that had been made by the old door.

Deciding it was best, the un identified person quickly swung the door open, as to make sure it didn't pierce the air with its noise, but stopped as before the handle could make contact with the wooden wall.

Walking through, the unknown figure tried as hard as humanly possible to not make a noise. But their efforts where waisted.

Once when the person walked fully through the door, it had slammed shut, causing a startled shriek to be let loose within the air. The lights then turned on, allowing the sneaky female to see the person who scared her if she were to just turn around.

But through past experiences she already knew who was behind the cause of her slight scare.

With a sigh escaping her lips she turned around to come face to face with a slightly annoyed (h/c) haired male.

(L/n) (F/n)

A (short/tall) young man with (e/c) colored eyes that always seem to stare deep within ones soul. And the real fact is, he could. Having been born with a QUIRK that allows him to see the time left of one's soul, and also be able the pass through clock to clock. The only down side to this quirk was he couldn't see the future, or how one would possibly die. He could only visit the past.

"Why so late cat burglar?" You asked braking the young female out of her thoughts. She growled a bit irritated, for she didn't want to deal with this, and wanted to be engulfed into the comfiness of her bed that she shared with the other female on the pirate crew.

"Do you honestly really need to question what I've been doing?"

"You could have gotten hurt, darn it."

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. It doesn't matter if I'm quirkless."

"That's not the point Nami, we all know you can handle yourself. In fact we where perfectly fine, you just took too long. We all got weird." You huffed out growling a little at the beginning but your words became shyer as you continued speaking. Being the guy you where it wasn't easy talking about feelings. You always wondered, and envied, how girls could be much more opened with their feelings.

"I would have been fine either way."

"Nami, the world is made up of at least 27% of people with quirks, maybe more. Now add that to a percentage of people who are Marines." You signed growing irritated. You began to run your figures through your slightly unkept hair. "It's kind of dangerous out there at night, and it didn't help that you didn't bring your clima-tact with you." You added on holding up the said weapon the navigator uses.

Name grabbed the weapon in irritation, "What I do is no concern to you!" She yelled before walking past you and heading towards the direction of the women's cabin.

"Fine then." You mumbled pissed. With a slight stomp, you exited the kitchen and close the door behind you.

You had waited within that room knowing full well that Nami wouldn't eat while she was in town because she wouldn't want to use a single Beri she earned before counting it, besides why pay for a meal when she knew the perverted cook will make her something.

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