Jealous Zoro X Reader

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Ok people!!! The time has come!! I just graduated from 8th Grade this Friday!!! And that means... *dramatic voice*
Drum Roll Please....



Title says it all, so please enjoy!!

Oh wait! Wait! Yes you! You may not continue till you read this important information about a certain handsome sadist doctor that has the most fluffiest Polar Bear EVER!!! Ok well I've been getting a lot of Law X Reader request, that i will do, but I have to postpone them a little bit because well that's basically the only thing I've been doing this past week or two. I will start doing him again after I finish some of the other requests. Hope you understand.

Also I might get the scenes wrong because well I'm still on the Fishmen Island part where Noah is above Fishmen Island.

Now you may enjoy! <(*£*)/ *sexy weird nose pose* just don't ask I dont even know myself XD

"What a nice dream." You yawned, stretched your arms over your head as you sat up in bed. You stared rubbing your right hand on your right eye sleepily as you got up and started walking towards the kitchen, not even caring if you still were in your pjs. But it turns out a certain someone did.

"Ah! Your awake, my lovely (y/n)-chan!" The cook said as he started running towards you with a plate that had (f/s) (N/A: favorite sweets) and hearts in his eyes, well eye really.

Once when he reached your tired form, he got down on one knee and grabbed your (s/c) hand. He started to bring up your hand putting it close to his lips, and weird nose. That nose he has when he is sniffing women. Normally you would just grab a sweet and kick him were the sun don't shine, but your mind was still asleep.

Before your tired mind could understand what the heck is going on, you say a flash of moss and a sword crashing down. Before Sanji could get his whole arms chopped off by the sword, he quickly kicked himself off the ground making him land a few feet away, now normal people would call that kicking but then again you aren't really normal... No one on this crew is really except maybe... Nope no one is normal.

"Oi! Don't you know when to back off when a woman is taken, you love cook!" Zoro yelled as he got into Sanji's face, like usual when they called each other names.
Usually you or Nami would break up the fight but you were hungry. So you walked into the fight, grabbed the tray with (f/s) and walked away to hide from a certain Straw Hatted rubber captain. You swear the guy is like a blood hound when it comes to food.

~Time Skip thanks to Luffy smelling (f/s) sweets~

After getting found by Luffy and him pouting about how you didn't share any of your sweets with him he finally let it go when he started smelling meat. 'Classic Luffy' you thought as you started heading towards the girls cabin when you finally realize you were still in your pjs.

Once changed in (any outfit you want) you walked out on deck only to find Luffy, and the others talking to someone with a fluffy hat. Now you were glad you changed your clothes.

Looking a little closer, you saw that the man had a goatee, and gray eyes not to mention, tattoos on his hands the spelled 'DEATH'. Immediately you started running towards them before anyone of them knew it you jumped on Law, much to Zoro's dismay, tackling him to the ground.

This action caused, what everyone likes to call, a very unhappy swordsman.

"Fluffy Hat! I thought I never get to see you again!" You yelled as you rubbed your face on Law's chest.

The rest of the crew, except Luffy because he didn't know and Sanji because he was happy you weren't in Zoro's arms but also sad you where in Law's, looked at Zoro waiting for his reaction to this. Let's just say you can feel the anger rolling off of him, which started to look like a flame of darkness surrounding him.

It took all of his will to not cut the Warlord in pieces, instead he simply walked towards you and carried you away on his left shoulder. In your response, you've became confused with the situation at hand.

Zoro then started carrying you up the stairs that led to the mast.

Once inside he locked to entrance sat down, which also made you sit in his lap and him burying his head into your (h/l) (h/c) locks and rapping his arms around you protectively.

"Um, Zoro?" You asked as you looked straight ahead where all his training equipment was.

"(Y/n)... What the hell was that about?" He asked calming as he buried his head a little further into your (h/c) hair.

"What? I was just hugging Fuzzy Hat." You answered innocently, not really getting why he was interrogating you on the matter, you thought it was plain obvious that even Luffy would know.

"Yeah, but... Why? Why would you hug another man, if you have me?" He asked as his grip on you got even tighter.

You blink once... twice... three times.... Then started laughing a bit. "Tell me love, are jealous?" You ask with a smile as you turned your body fully to look at him. You had a smile on your face as you looked at the swordsman who you call your boyfriend and cupped your cheek. He didn't look to happy but you knew everything was fine because he was blushing, to make it even worse you leaned your forehead on his as you looked into his eyes.

"You don't need to worry about being jealous love, I'm all yours. The only reason I hugged him was because he helped me train along with his crew when we were sent flying and I landed on their ship. Kinda glad they were there or I would be 100 million feet on the ocean floor to this day. Plus I see him me as an older brother." You explain, then closed the gap between you and Zoro which he immediately responded too.

After the kiss was broken by Zoro he looked directly into your eyes, then sighed. "Ok fine but I don't want you touching another man ever." He said causing you to giggle and rest your head against to moss head with a smile. You soon nodded your head and yawned.

"Deal" you said a little sleepy then actually falling asleep with Zoro falling you a few moments afterwards.


And done!

What did you guys think?! It always makes me smile when I receive requests and happy comments!

Well hopefully you enjoyed that, a little OOC though but oh well!

Soma out~  ;3

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