Chopper X Bestfriend Reader

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Hey, Hey, Hey! How are you my pirates today! You know I'm a little surprised but not at the same time. Ok if you read a earlier X reader I wrote, I asked if anyone wanted to be a pirate or marine. At first I thought 'not going to get that many comments on this because well they are here to read the X readers not read what the author's notes are' and yes I know this because I too skip them, sometimes. But it turns out I got a lot of comments on that saying pirates and pirate captain as well as a revolutionary but no marine XD I thought at least one or two people would say marine but guess not anyway enjoy the story!

Also read the story I'm co-writing with Elizabeththemeister !!! Tell me in the comments if you read it or not and tell me if you liked it! :3 Pwease? Chapter 2 is almost up! It'll be up when I'm done with the chapter and I'm half way done! Yay!!!



Chopper was currently in his office studying on some herbs that will heal burns quicker, but he seemed to be a little of task since a face with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin accompanied with (e/c) eyes kept appearing in his mind not letting him concentrate on the task at hand.

This face belonged to the one, and only, (y/n) (l/n) a friend of his. You had excepted him the first time you laid eyes on the little reindeer. Saying he was not a monster in your eyes and that you thought his blue nose was cute. Which he instantly started doing the cute little dance he usually does when he was embarrassed causing you to smile and giggle.

You were also one of the people who encouraged him on becoming a pirate and joining the Straw Hat Pirates and becoming their doctor. After that day he left he didn't see you again. You've been on his mind lately since the beginning after that day. He's been wondering if you had forgotten about him he quickly shakes his head at that getting the thought out of his head there is no way you could forget about him, if you miss him, if your healthy and up to full strength, or if you had followed your own dream by becoming a (y/d/j) (your dream job). He hoped you had.

The Straw Hat Pirates where getting close to a curtain island that had a curtain (h/l) (h/c) haired female walking around.

You had currently docked at the little island on your little boat like submarine that could only hold a few people but was like a one room house allowing you to do everyday stuff while you were nearby the controls unless you needed to get to then quickly.

You where out in the new world to accomplish two goals in your life. 1) To become a/an (y/d/j) and 2) To find Chopper.

It's been about 3 years or less since you seen the reindeer at DrumKingdom (that's how you spell it right? :3 hehe I have no clue) after you persuaded him on joining the Straw Hats and becoming the doctor of the ship.

Since that day you've missed the little guy to death and went out to find him and start your only solo adventure until you reached the Straw Hats and ask to join their crew. You've gotten offers to join other crews you've came across but all turned them down saying they're not the crew for you, heck you've even been asked to join the marines for a reason you don't even know which caused you to laugh.

Currently you were walking around town trying to gather supplies till the next island you come to which you estimated would take you about 18 days to reach.

One Piece x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें