Kid X Reader

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Hey yo! Guess what, guess what, guess what! It's me birthday!

Yep imma be a 16 year old on December 3rd.

Warning: cursing because well it's Kid

"(Y/n)!" A curtain red haired male yelled from him 'work place'. You liked the original name you gave it. A scrap yard.

You rolled your eyes too tired to deal with his man period. You put your hand of cards down and massaged your eyes. While you where physically showing your frustration, Wire thought it was a good idea to actually try and peck at your hand. The effect of his simple mistake was a broken table and an almost broken nose.

"Wire, you got a seven?" Heat asked not even noticing his comrade in pain and the table broken.

"Go fish" Wire barely managed looking up at him like an idiot. As he held his nose, trying not to annoy you for the rest of the day. You got up and stopped away from the two boys, going towards the scrap yard.

"What wrong with her, that time of month again?" Heat asked idiotically, now looking at Wire still on the ground.

"No, but it might be a man period for the kid." Wire answer when he knew it was safe to speak.

You walked towards Kid's Workshop, scrap yard, taking the longest route possible. You occasionally bumped into a couple of your crew mates from time to time, but they seemed to have to stay out of your way and not even look at you.

They pretty much got the routine down to a T. If Kid was angry, or wanted you to help him, you get angry. If you where angry, you get him furious causing you to become furious yourself. The crew simply didn't understand the relationship between the navigator and the captain. They all knew you completely hated each other enough to kill. They don't know why he asked you to join, probably because of your strength, or why the hell you even follow the short tempered red haired idiot when you yourself are short tempered.

All you two did was yell at each other. He would often call you to join him in his junk yard, and all you would do would get into the most stupidest arguments that aren't worth fighting for. It would end up with you staying there, for known reasons to you, reading a book and him messing around in junk.

You bumped into Killer coming out of Kid's Scrap yard. He was the only person who knew why the captain asked you to join his crew and why the red head never changed his mind and threw you over board leading to your death of drowning. Yeah Kid happened to find out you where a Logia type devil fruit user, which was surprising since the only person who knew was a little kid who you think died years ago that would often make you toy robots.

Kid had hired you on a fake mission to kill a target he apparently 'hated':

Time skip, 5 years ago

"(Y/n) (l/n) the Shadow killer, I have a job for you." The red head smirked as he caught you at a restaurant, shaving food in your mouth as much as you could like when you where younger with your brothers. Yeah you where mostly surrounded by men and not women so you don't really know how to act like one.

You coughed a bit startled at the fact you had food in you mouth and someone thought it was a good idea to sneak behind you. You quickly swallowed what was in your mouth and grabbed your water and chugged it to get any remaining food in your mouth to go down. You quickly turned around making it look like it would snap, scaring people around you in the process.

"What the hell do you fucking what. Can't you see that when a women is eating, you leave her be unless her period has started and your being a gentlemen by politely telling her." You yelled irritated not caring about your attitude since none of your brothers are with you.

"What if I was going to tell you your period started?" He said in a smirk. "I mean your acting like it did."

"Of course it did! It's in front of me dressed like a clown, big, red, and annoying. Go away!" You yelled reaching for your knife and fork. You might eat like there is no tomorrow, but you at least have manners compared to your brothers.

Kid's smirk faded, and he used his devil fruit ability to male the knife and fork come to him. "I have a job for you and your going to complete it.

After that you killed a dumby instead and ended up in a trap made out of sea prism stone. He then threatened you with the idea of throwing you out into the ocean if you didn't join his crew.

Your devil fruit was the shu shu no mi. Eating it, you became a Shadow Women. It was a logia type devil fruit which came in quiet handy in situations. (Just now writing this I suddenly remember Moria has the kage kage no mi, yeah forget about him having it. Yours is way much cooler.) When in a tight spot, if you need to escape you can just merge in the shadows. It also helped with your jobs. If you transform into a shadow yourself, you can ago up to your victims and stab their shadow causing them to feel what it feels and die.

You walked past Killer and kicked open the door. "What ya want screw for brains."

This caused Kid to glare at you then sigh disappointedly, which was new for you.

"Why must we always fight (y/n)? Aren't you tired of it all." He said looking at you sadly. "Do you even remember me at all?" He asked with a plain look, but in his eyes held sadness, and tiredness. "Why do you think all those years ago I went out to go find you."

"Find me what do you mean." Clearly confused.

As a response, he handed you a medium sized box, wrapped in paper.

"What is this?" You asked not expecting a present from the guy at all. You looked all around it, flipping it up and down, side to side very gently.

"Open it."

For once you did as you where told and opened it. Inside was a small little robot. It looked almost exactly like the ones that kid would often make you to cheer you up, since you where kidnapped and accidentally landed around where that kid had lived. Every thing clicked.

"Wait your that sweet little boy way back then. You just can't be. The little boy was sweet, your a men that acts like a d*ck." You said not believing a single word.

"Well shit happens, I was who I was yesterday; I am who I am today." Kid said irritated then sighed. "Look, (y/n). Since you left, all I've been thinking was you. I feel in love with you. I decided to go out and find you, and keep you by my side forever. So please, let's not fight anymore and be like old times?" He asked surprisingly kindly, grabbing your hands in his with a smile.

You smiled, and nodded yes as you got him to let go of your hands so you put your arms around him.

"I love you!"

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