Doflamingo X Reader X Law

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WARNING!!!! Major OOC!!! Maybe, I honestly don't know haven't really met Doflamingo but I will try my best on this. *pumps fist in the air with determination* oh also if you guys know any good anime shows that involves magic and romance, please let me know my cousin wants to watch stuff like that. (I do also XD!)

Now about the story, you are Doflamingo's daughter and your the same age as Law, probably a year younger. You deside this is you after all.


"(Y/n), the Young Master would like to see you." A random crew member said to the (h/l) (h/c) haired girl, as you played with one of her best friends, Baby 5.

With a sigh you got up and put on a smile as you walked towards where you know where your dad would most likely be.

As you opened the door, which was the only thing in your path that kept you from seeing your dad, Doflamingo. You loved your dad, but sometimes you didn't agree with that he thought was right. But then again that is a normal daughter-father relationship.

You opened the door to revile your dad with a boy who you never saw before. He wore a white-spotted hat, a dirty button down shirt, and dirty; torn dress pants. You knew he just experienced something that changed his life, you could tell. It was in his eyes and facial expressions.

"You wanted me, Young Master?" You said as you bowed your head towards your father. This action caused the smirk that was always on your father's face to disappear and be replaced with a smile. He didn't like it too much when 'you' called him that, but you did it anyway because you thought it would be rude.

"(Y/n), you know that I don't like it when you call me that." He replied.

"Yes, Young Mas-" he gave you a frown, and you quickly corrected yourself. "I mean father." You said with a straight face. Again you loved your father but you just don't know how to react towards him really, but that's a different story for your uncle. You react to your uncle just like any other niece-uncle relationship.

"(Y/n), this is Law. He will be part of this crew. You will show him around and introduce him to the other children. Try to play nice now." He said with that smirk back on his face.

"Yes father." You said as you bowed your head towards him and walked up to the guy with the fuzzy hat. "Ok, Mister Fuzzy Hat. You are going to meet few people I know." He seemed irritated by this but that didn't stop you from grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers together.

"The names Trafalgar Law!" He said as he tried pulling his hand away but that action only resulted in your face slamming into his chest. You face him with a blank face.

"Don't care what your name is, now come on MISTER FUZZY HAT!" You said as you emphasized the 'mister fuzzy hat, part just to annoy him. Then you started pulling him away with towards were you left Baby 5. He struggled but it was all in vain as you dragged him across the floor. As this moment happened, your father's smirked widened but at the same time he wandered if he should have asked someone else.

He knew you where capable to handle yourself, heck you can handle your self against him thanks to your devil fruit, the voice-voice fruit. This fruit allows you to control anyone with just your voice, it also will allow you to control anything like a siren would on a man. This devil fruit put you in the position of questioning the prisoners that come across your path. But still he didn't want anyone to have your heart and he was worried.


"Hey, Baby 5!" (Y/n) called out as she dragged a struggling Law behind you.

You saw the said ravin haired girl turn her head towards you and bow. An irritated tick mark appeared on your forehead, but then again you didn't say anything about it because you knew she was just being polite about your blood line really but it hurts that she treats you differently from your uncle. You wondered why, any of course you could get it out of her and make her forget about the whole incident, but you absolutely hated doing that unless it's a life or death matter.

"(Y/n)! So what did the Young Master want exactly?" She asked as she gave you her complete attention, paying no mine to the struggling boy behind you as his attempts where completely in vain.

"This." You said pointing to the boy behind you. As she looked towards the boy, she giggled as she noticed your hands. "Baby 5 this is Mister Fuzzy Hat, Mister Fuzzy Hat this is Baby 5." This caused Law to stop struggling.

"It's TRAFALGAR LAW!" He yelled, at the (h/l) (h/c) haired girl in front of him.

"Nice to meet you Mister Fuzzy Hat." Baby 5 said as she stuck her hand out towards the ravin haired boy. Two irritated tick marks appeared on Law's forehead.

"Trafalgar Law!" He yelled again.

"Your like a broken record, quite it." (Y/n) said as her (e/c) eyes bore into his sliver sharp ones that held a story. Their stare down ended when (y/n) looked away and started walking towards her room.

"Hey Law." Baby 5 called out and tugged on his shirt hum.

"I told you already it's Traf-" he cut himself off as he processed what she said. "Wait what?!" She giggled by his response.

"Law, don't mind (y/n). Ok? She just has a funny way of doing things but trust me it always turns out as a positive affect." She said with s smile on her face. Not wanting to say anything, Law just nodded.

~Time Skip a few years later~

Law still didn't understand your ways. You still called him Mister Fuzzy Hat, and never by his real name. In fact he felt kinda special, but he would never admit that to your face it would only make him blush.

The thing is, throughout all these years, Law has fallen in love with you. Who couldn't, you were brave and loyal, you always stood up for what you believe in, and you where just plain wonderful in every aspect.

"Hey Mister Fuzzy Hat, what are you doing outside at night it's past curfew." You whispered when you got close to him. You seemed to surprise him since he turned around with lightning speed. You giggled . "You need to relax, it's only me." You said as you were now on his right side. "The stars are beautiful aren't they Law?" You asked the blushing boy as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Yeah you are." Law replied looking at you, and that when he realized what you both said causing his blush to grow.

"What did you say Law?" You asked as you started to play dumb but in reality you heard what he said.

"Nothing, I said nothing at all." He said shaking his head, with an even bigger blush. This caused you to giggle.

"What ever you say Law." You then hugged him and turned his head to were it was now facing you. You smiled up at him as you stood up on your tippy toes and kissed him, on the month. You didn't give him him to respond or anything, as you pulled away. "Just don't stay up to late ok?" And with that you were gone.

He touched his lips that still had the warmth and feeling of yours on his and smiled. "Ok, (y/n)."

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