Mihawk x Reader

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        "Ok we can do this, not to worry everything will be fine, I just have to go and find Zoro. Yeah! Hopefully, he's here. My God, I will seriously kill him if he does not show up here and gets lost!" You threatened the air pointing to the sky angrily. You kept on pacing back and forth, more than just a little nervous. It was a dance competition that you were really wanting to participate in once you found out that the island that the Straw Hat's were going to be docking at was the island of performance, and you being the Dancer of the Straw Hat's you really wanted to participate in the competition.

        But there was a big problem that, in order to participate, you had to join the competition with a dance partner of the opposite gender. Which created a lot of problems, since both Brook and Ussop both have two left feet (bones), Luffy is a BIT too distracted and so is Franky, not too mention Sanji too and sadly animals were not allowed. So the only one able to do it would be Zoro.and that scared you. You were more worried about him being on time.

        "Where could that mosshead possibly be." You screamed angerly before leaning against the wall, closing your eyes.

         "You doing alright?" A deep male's voice cut threw the stillness of the air like a knife. Your eyes shot open as you looked within the darkness.

        You looked around looking for where that voice could come from. Looking around your (e/c) colored eyes landed on piercing golden eyes. The presence had startled you at first but you tried calming yourself down, considering the fact your heart was currently racing. 

        "Oh, Mihawk. What are you doing here?"  You asked trying to forget the fact you are stressed out and smiled. Though you knew he wouldn't be fooled by it because he sees through all with his piercing eyes, you were hoping he wouldn't worry as much.

        "I came to see you perform with Zoro, but it seems like he isn't here," Mihawk stated with a knowing smile. "But it seems he might have gotten lost." He finished with a small chuckle, too small for you to possibly hear. His eyes never left your form, he had watched as your face formed more into a worry for your crewmate. "I wouldn't worry about it. He will be here without a doubt. You will win this, I guaranty it." He sighed before he started to walk away.

        "Go break your leg."



        "All right ladies and gentlemen, it's almost time for us to close the curtain on this time well spent together on this round. Remember only two pairs can make it to the finals and compete for the grand prize. Just  like how the curtain's are about to close, will them close on our last contestants?" The spokes person asked receiving cheers from the crowd of people.

        You were nervous, it was easy to tell. You were about to be disqualified. Zoro hasn't even shown up yet, and you can't do this solo no matter how you wish you could. Nami sure is going to be mad at you because of the prize money she will be losing. Well more mad at Zoro then you. You sighed depressingly as you were about to go out there, and disqualify yourself.

        "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you..." The spokesperson began, you felt bad. The crowd was really expecting something, but you couldn't give them what they wanted. With your head hung low you walked out on stag in sadness. You really wanted to participate in this. Your love for dancing, but being told to not dance because of some male. 

        Zoro is a dead man.

        "The Siren on Land, (Y/n) (L/n) and one of the Shichibukai, Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk!" 

        Your eyes went wide. You could not believe what you were hearing. You didn't get the memo about the partner change but you were glad it happened. You could dance, and Nami wouldn't be as mad as you.

        "I don't mean to offend you about the unexpected change. Zoro had called from across town." Mihawk whispered into your ear as you both had began to dance to the music (you guys decide this part). "He admitted to the fact that he was lost, and couldn't make it. He didn't want to hurt you with this so he had asked me to step in his place. He had meant to have called you about it. Based on your surprise, I'm going to assume that he didn't. Sorry about that." Mihawk continued whispering his explanation in your ear as you both danced with the song.

        Did you believe what he had said.

        No fucking way.

        No matter how much you liked him, you could not believe his obvious lie. Zoro has never, and will never, admit to anyone. Especially Mihawk, that he had been lost and could not find his way. But you don't mind the fact that Mihawk was your dancing partner, he was a good dancer. Way better then that moss head even. 

        What happened to Zoro, you don't know. Hell you probably won't even know. What you do know is that he will be beyond furious that these turn of events, but you didn't care. You were having the time of your life. Doing the thing you love, dancing, with the person you are in love with, Dracule Mihawk.

        You could not stop the smile from forming on your face, nor did you want to.



        Zoro sat in the corner of a broom closet located back stage.

~Flash Back~

        He had finally got to his destination, out of breath he began to look everywhere for you. He was about to give up but he then saw you there sitting down, hiding your beautiful face with your knees. He felt heart broken, you looked sad, and he was the cause. He shouldn't have gotten lost.

        "Hey (Y-" He began to say before he got knocked in the back of his head. All he could remember were golden piercing eyes.

        When he came too he was tied up from head to toe. Irritated.


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