Usopp x reader

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As you were playing with your spear someone came by and sat beside you. You looked up and saw Usopp.

He was fixing his weapon. He so deep in thought. Probably to deep to notice that you were there.

You looked around on deck but saw no one but Usopp on. That was weird.

Usually Franky was steering the wheel while Nami gave directions, Robin reading, and Zoro sleeping. But none of them were here.

You decided to let it slide since you know that they're on the ship.

You look over at Usopp and see he is having trouble with something.

You looked over his shoulder. He was fiddling with something. Probably working on a new attack. You weren't that sure.

"Whatcha doing?" You ask innocently knowing that it would scare him.

As always he jumped and grabbed his slingshot and a bullet. You just blinked at him. He relaxed realizing it was you.

You tilted your head in confusion.

"(Y/n) don't ever scare me like that, you almost gave me a heart attack." He said as he put his hand on his heart.

"It's your own fault that you didn't realize that I was here before you sat down." You replied a bit annoyed.

He had nothing to say.

He turned his head hoping that you didn't see his blush. Oh but you did. Things like that don't just pass you by.

Heck they didn't give you a 1,128,050 berli (n/a: that's how you spell it right? Oh well) and call you Cupid (y/n) for nothing.

You weren't a devil-user but you did grow up in a island said to be the island that Cupid grew up. Which is true since almost everyone that grew up there became a well known matchmaker, and you were one of those matchmakers, but the sad part is is that when it came to your love life you were completely clueless.

Everyone on the crew was kind of afraid of your matchmaking talent even Sanji. Well except Usopp. He was always hanging out with you. Guess he thought that he had nothing to be afraid about since well you didn't really know.

You were very curious about why he wasn't afraid of your matchmaking skills. Because well you did act like Cupid a lot, heck you even had a bow and some arrows.

You grabbed one of your arrows and started to sharpen it.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Usopp looking at you. There was something in his eyes that made your heart flutter. It was a wired feeling you never had before.

Your mom explained it to you before and you know what it meant. The heart fluttering, butterflies every time your with a certain person, the blushing, and the passionate eyes. Yeah it was called love.

You looked back at Usopp it looked like he was deep in thought so you continued sharpening your arrows.

"Hey (y/n) can I ask you a question?" He asked looking at you. You knew that he was trying hard not to blush. How you could tell was by his face.

"Um you already asked one but ok shoot" you replied turning towards him and giving him a small smile. You saw a blush form on his face.

"Well um I kind of have this problem with this girl you see." He replied his face getting redder and redder by the second.

Your heart sank knowing that he liked someone else. Pushing that aside you nodded your head telling him to continue.

"Well um I liked no wait loved her for some time now and well I want to tell her but I don't really know how." He explained getting a little comfortable with the subject.

You nodded then thought about it for a second. He looked at you waiting for his answer.

"Well first of all true getting her something that she would like and tell her in a special way that will surprise her but yet make her smile. You know?" You answered a bit sad but you were glad he didn't notice.

"Hmm you know what that might just work thank you (y/n)." With that he goths and walked away.

You sighed sadly now alone on the top deck. But little did you know that someone was in the bird watcher listening and watching every thing. (n/a: can you guess who it is? ;3)

~time skip~

It's been at least a month now since Usopp asked you that question. You wondered who the girl was so that if they got together you will wish them luck with there love. But you were worried about the crew. They seemed distant then normal.

Like every time you bumped into one of them and asked them how they were doing they would always come up with an excuse to leave saying that 'Nami needs my help' or something like that. You were even thinking of quitting the crew since you thought that they didn't except you as a crew member or a family member.

As you were thinking and looking out at sea a pair of hands covered your eyes.

"Hey (y/n) guess who it is" a familiar voice said. Usopp. You smiled.

"Um Usopp?" You asked as the hands peeled them self off you. There stood a (f/c) stuffed bear holding a note with your name on it. You looked behind you but no one was there. Weird.

You looked back at the (f/c) stuffed bear and looked at the note with your name on it. Curious took the better of you and you opened it.

Dear (y/n),
I always was afraid, at least I was when you weren't around. I was always afraid of going on a new island that looked dangerous but when I saw the fire I your it made me brave. I want to tell you something but you have to follow the trail I have a hint in every note there is, even this one.

After reading it you thought it was sweet also you noticed that one of the "I" was in bold. You guessed that was what the person meant about the hints.

As you turn around you see a path of red rose petals. 'Those weren't there before... right?' You thought.

You grabbed your new (f/c) stuffed bear and followed the path. Soon it stopped by the flowerbeds. There laid another note.

Dear (y/n),

I love it when you were sitting here just relaxing. It looked like you didn't have a care in the world. You were always an outgoing person, guess that's only one of the reasons. You always looked out for others no matter who they are. Guess that's why I have to tell you before I go paranoid about losing you.

You thought it was sweet. Your heart was beating faster and faster by the minute. You felt butterflies in your stomach. Your palms were a bit sweaty.
You were nervous about the outcome about this, but yet you wanted to know what happens. As you turn around white rose petals covered some of the red petals leading you to your weapon room filled with all different types of arrows.

You find a note next to one of your favorite arrows.

You walked over and grabbed it.

Dear (y/n),

I still remember the day you came, I told you that I would love to help you with your arrows even Franky offered, but you chooses me. I was happy that day, not only were you apart of the crew but for some other reason that I just figured out.

You smiled than looked at each note. First note hit was: "I" the second was: "love" and the third was: "you".

You blushed as you re-read the hints. Then realization hit you these were love letters but you wondered who was the secret admire.

You turn around and see yellow roses petals. You follow the trail. It lead you back to the top deck.

There was a sign in front with the words "I love you". You blushed as you read then over and over again.

Then all of a sudden there was a bouquet of roses in front of your face.

You took them and smelled them. They smelled wonderful.

You looked up and saw Usopp with a hopeful smile. You smiled as well while running up and hugging him.

He hugged you back while whispering 'I love you'. You replied with a kiss.

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