Zoro X Reader

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Sorry its so late!!! You guys must hate me!!! I'm a terrible author-chan!!!!! *waits to be stoned*
Ok before you stone me to death... some of must be thinking *cough cough* probably not *cough cough* 'Why does this say Zoro X Reader? I thought this was supposed to be a Nami X Male!Reader.' Well I'm still working on how to end it with out it being totally... well.... irritatingly stupid sounding.... yeah.... I'm always like that.... IVE NEVER HAD A BOYFRIEND OK... I DONT KNOW HOW COUPLES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE....

Funny thing bout this story, kinda at least I think it's funny, while I was writing this my religion teacher wanted to see what this was.... that was a bad thing if he did... if you read you'll find out why... and remember he was a religion teacher...

*waits to be beheaded*

"Man today has been a longer day then usual." You said with a sigh grabbing a (f/c) towel.

Luffy, Ussop, and Brook decided to be idiots and did annoying things all day, then again what else is new.

With a sigh you walked into the bath and started to take off your clothes. Unknown to you, a certain moss haired swordsman was sleeping with a big bottle of sake in a big bath surrounded by steam.

You wrapped a towel around your body making sure it covered everything that should be covered. After all you wanted to get married, (n/a: I've read somewhere that in a certain time if a woman that's not married gets seen by a man naked she can't marry... don't quote me on that... I'm not positive if it's true...) even if you are a pirate with a bounty on your head.

With a relieved sigh, you got into the bath. It felt a little like a Hot Spring at the time to you, with all this steam and the running water.


Running water?

Oh shit...

You quickly tried to run out, but slipped and fell onto something hard with a scar like feeling going across the hard surface. You failed to notice that your towel slipped.

'Oh why, why me! Why him of all swordsmen! Please just don't wake up!' You thought as you put your hands on his chest trying to push yourself up slowly.

You soon found yourself unable to move. I wanted to scream so badly but you couldn't, for you were too scared of the possibility of waking him up. (N/a: yeah... right...) Why are you wanted to yell? Well to put it simply his hand was on your chest.

'Shit! I want to slap him but I can't or I'll take the chance of waking him up, but what harm can it do he never wakes up from anything... I wish he would just stop groping me.' (N/a: you know you like it Reader-chan!) You thought while trying to find a way out of this mess.

You looked at his face. His face made things even worse for him...

He was asleep. He was fucking sleeping! He was fucking groping you in his fucking sleep!

'This really is a crazy bunch. Why am I here, I had a chance to join the Kid Pirates.' You thought as you looked at his hand. 'But then again I didn't go with Kid because I didn't want a spoiled kid that acts like an ass Queen to be my captain, I still got a kid as a captain but at least it's lively.' You sighed as you started to try and pull his hand away.

Unknown to your pretty little (h/c) haired head, he was awake since the moment you came in and changed.

Slowly, and quietly, he put an arm around your bare skin and quickly turn you over to a point where he was pinning you down. He placed one of his hands near your head and the other was dangerously on your hip; successfully trapping you.

You looked up at him scared out of your mind. You quickly tried to cover yourself when you saw his smirk.

Worst, yet best, part of this is a simple, blood rushing dumbfounding fact...

You both where naked.

"Well, well, what do we have here? It seems our little blacksmith came to visit her favorite swordsman. What a pleasure." He said very huskily, getting closer to your face.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were taking a bath." You said trying to get out of his strong arms, but secretly wanted to stay.

He was almost reading your mind at this point. "But you're already here, why not stay a little longer? We could have some fun." He said with a smirk, pulling your body closer to his. His eyes went to your lips.

~ i'll let you imagine what happens~ :3

~ actually no I won't~ :P

He started closing the gap slowly, his lips were inches away. You were nervous. You've never been kissed before and it could lead to something way more dangerous. Though you secretly wanted it, especially from him.

But,you panic.

"You're worse then Sanji!" You yelled, crushing his very soul. You've then kicked his baby making thingy on "accident" and ran off, quickly wrapping a towel around you first, then leaving him there... Dead.

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