Law X Reader

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Your home island would always describe you as a very strong woman, both physically and mentally. And that is why you trained yourself to be a samurai. Yes a samurai.

It wasn't because you great great great grandfather was one or the fact you were cousins with the soon to be swordsman, Roronoa Zoro. To put it simply, you could both feel and sense the sword calling for you. Every time you told someone this, they always seemed to laugh at you besides four people. Your cousin, his rival, his teacher, and your mentor.

Later on in life you had been skilled in the way of the samurai. Never have you been so happy in your life. Enemies always came after you, and by enemies I mean pirates. Yes you too traveled the world alone, not with your cousin. You also hunted pirates whenever you needed a place to stay and needed to eat.

You always ate anything but meat. You never ate anything that involved meat in your life because of one fact. You just simply adore animals. They were basically your only weakness. In faced you loved animals so much you also became a biologist. You wanted to learn about them so much.

Later on in your life of fighting of pirates, when needed, for money and learning more about plants and animals you came across a small island in the Grand Line. This island had a lot of herbs you've never seen before and some animals that would be walking around. They never really attacked you, in fact they would sometimes even help you by bringing any unknown herb to you if you couldn't reach or simply didn't see it, and for that you were always thankful towards them.In fact it was always easy for you to go towards dangerous animals and study them without getting hurt or using force. It was probably the calm and peaceful atmosphere that surrounds you.

As you walked further into the island you came across a village. It was a normal village; both the people and animals seemed to get along very well. From what you could see there was no terror or bloodlust in any of their eyes. Only happiness and love.

You giggled as you walked down the hill towards the village as both your sword and bag hit against your legs. Your bag was filled with both wanted posters and herbs you collected. You started even getting a bigger bag so all your stuff can fit without spilling out everywhere every time you opened it.

With a sigh you walked into a restaurant. Inside it was full of both animals and people.

"Hello ma'am. How many will there be?" A woman in a maid costume said as she came up towards you holding out a menu.

"Oh it's only me." You replied with a smile. All the animals seemed to turn towards you, including a certain polar bear.

"Right this way ma'am. She said as she guided you towards a seat. The animals would seem to get out of the way if needed to. Their tails always wagged when you past by and smiled.  They were delighted by your presence.

"Will this set do?" The woman asked as she pointed towards a empty table that was right next to a certain pirate crew.

No matter how many times the polar bear looked at you, he could never figure out why he wanted to be with you and help you out anyway he can. It was just like how he felt about his captain to him.

After a few minutes of staring, both Penguin and Shachi noticed the quietness about their hairy friend.

"Bepo, anything the matter? You aren't eating your food." Penguin asked as Shachi nodded in agreement. Beto snapped out of it when he heard the question and looked at his food. They were right, he hadn't eaten anything.

"I'm sorry" he stated as he started sulking. He looked back at the (h/l) (h/c) haired women, and saw her looking at him smiling a gentle smile. His heart was beating fast, and now he knew for sure, she was surely something special.

After your dinner you payed and left. Of course Bepo was a little sad, but it wasn't just him, all the animals were.

~Time Skip~

It's been a few hours since you had lunch. It was almost time for dinner but you had to study about this plant.

As you walked around the village and not really seeing where you were going, you collided into something big and furry making you fall to the ground and dropping your book.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any attention to were I was going you said as you looked up. There you saw two blushing men and a polar bear with a concerned and saddened look on his face.

He helped you up and picked up your book.

"I'm sorry too." The polar bear said as his head lowered.

You stopped for a minute and looked at the bear, before smiling.

"Oh my gosh, you can talk! That is so cool. In all my life and studies I never even encountered a talking animal." You said to yourself as you hugged the polar bear, startling it.

"I'm (y/n) by the way, pleasure to meet you." You said as you backed up, bowed, and held out your hand for him to shake.

As you were about to say something, you four heard a scream coming from the restaurant you were in for lunch. Quickly you ran towards the source of the scream, forgetting your book.

Once there, you saw the place on fire. You could also hear the screams of agony of both animals and people. Quickly, you got out a hanker chief and put it against your mouth and noise, ignoring anyone who told you to stay away from there. You walked into the building and started looking for survivors.

While you where in there the group you had just meet, stood out there, waiting.

"Oi, Bepo, tell me. What's going on? And what are you holding?" A all to familiar voice said to the three standing outside the burning building, watching the (h/c) haired women go in and out of the fiery building.

"The buildings on fire captain, a woman who we had met earlier ran inside. She's trying to save the people trapped inside. That's her book" Shachi explained to his captain.

Law had extended his hand, asking to see the book. Without hesitation Bepo gave it to him.

Inside the book, Law found drawings of both animals and plants that had information about them.

After a few minutes the fire had died down, and everyone was safe. You were also safe, but also in pain. You had gotten burned during the fire saving people.

A book was shoved into your face. You looked up to see a person you've seen on one of your wanted posters, Trafalgar Law, also commonly known as the Surgeon of Death.

"This is yours isn't it." He demanded the answer more then asked. You nodded your head as you grabbed you book. In the process he noticed that your hands were burned. He grabbed one of them carefully, but that still didn't help the fact that it hurt causing you to hiss in pain.

"You know I can bandage this up for you, and in return you join my crew and become my biologist. Your studies might come in handy for me." He stated as he looked into your eyes and held out his hand towards you.

He had a very good idea if you were to joining his crew.


Ok there will be a part 2 for this hehe, as soon as I think of it.

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