Sabo x Reader

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"(Y/n), you really need to calm down. I understand that today is a really important day for you but you need to relax." Nami had stated as she looked at the panicing (h/l), (h/c) haired girl; who has been throwing clothes left and right. The once cleaned floor was now layered with clothes making it entirely impossible for you to see the floor.

"Nami, that is easier said than done." (Y/n) slightly screamed as you unintentionally threw another article of clothing at the orange haired woman. "He's coming to visit today, he will be here at the ship in probably less than an hour, who knows he might already be here already." You had continued saying as you now sat in the middle of the room defeated.

Robin sat on the bed, slightly finding this situation of your a little more then just funny. "(Y/n) you will be just fine the way you are now. There's no need to try to impress a guy with clothes or looks. A guy should fall in love with you for who you are, not what you look like." The raven haired female stated at she looked at her friend. "When it comes to love, it should be natural and not forced in the slightest."

"Robin, I know you're right, you're always right." (Y/n) said with a smile as she looked back to her friend. "I really should just be myself but I really want to impress him."

"And that's totally fine and a natural human thing to do, but there is no need to change who you are for a guy and try to wear things you don't naturally wear," She stated pointing towards the large pile of fancy dresses. "Or do things that you don't normally do." She continued saying as she looked at the makeup that caked your face. "Be yourself and he will fall for you truely and not a fake version of yourself. And if he doesn't love you for you then he isn't worth the time." She ended saying with a smile, in which you returned.

Nami leaded against the wall with a huge, satisfied smile on her face as she looked at you get up off the clothed floor.

"Your right Robin, I should really be myself, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." You declared determined. "I'm really sorry about this mess that I have created you guys. Please allow me to clean it up." You said smiling, as began lifting your left hand to hover over the right side of your face. You moved your hand to the left, completely wiping the existence of it ever being on your face. Once finished, you stretched out your arm and looked at the pile of clothes.

"Time Reverse"

By the simple use of your devil fruit, time has been reversed and all the girl's clothes on the floor have now been relocated back into their respective closets. Your devil fruit was called the Tick-Tock fruit causing you to become a Clock Woman. You like the fact you could control time but you don't like messing with it unless you absolutely need to, or you know that it won't affect anything major in the future.

You then began walking towards the wooden door that separated the girl's room from the outside. With a bright smile, you swung open the door only to be met with the breeze of the strong wind.

Today was a beautiful day, the wind blew threw your (h/l) hair as you took in the view. Nothing could possibly bother you at the moment, you were too confident about yourself to ever let anything to get to you. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

"Hey Sabo!" A certain raven haired young male yelled out as you saw his arms stretch right passed you. You lost your composer almost instantly.

The once confident you was now on the floor kneeling, and trying your best to hide your face. Both Robin and Nami could not help but smile at you sadly.

"(Y/n), you really need to get out there or he will be stolen from you before you actually get a chance to confess." Nami said as she looked down at your ball like form.

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