~ Chapter 1 ~

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(Rose POV)

It was the first day after the summer holidays and I was on my way to school.

After my younger brother had stopped going to elementary school, my ride to school got cancelled.

Before this day my brother had gone to an elementary school almost right next to mine, so my parents had driven both of us to school. But now he was going to secondary school with my two other sisters, so my parents were driving them instead.

I didn't mind. I mean, I was the oldest. And I was lucky none of the little shits went to my school. It would just be embarrassing.

So I walked out of my house after saying goodbye to my mother.

"Rose!" She called after me.

I turned around.

She was holding my lunch in her hand. "You forgot this, honey." she said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to collect my food.

"Have a good day at school, sweetie. Don't get into trouble and be nice to any new students you encounter. I heard there's a lot of new ones coming."

"Noted. Bye mum."

I walked off. At my house my neighbor, Alex, was already waiting for me.

"Bro, what took so long? Feels like I've been waiting for hours..."

"Shut up. I forgot my lunch, bitch. Let's go, I don't wanna be too late."

Alex looked at me funnily.

"Why the hurry? Hoping to potentially meet a hot sexy girl?"

"Definitely. Nah, after last year I just wanna focus on stuff I like. I'll let love come by naturally."

Alex started laughing. "Let it come by naturally? God, you sound like my grandma!"

That made me laugh too. I had in fact met Alex's grandma and she was out of this world.

We walked through the neighborhood. I was really looking forward to seeing all of my friends again. They probably had so many stories to tell about where they had been, what they had done, how many people they had kissed and I was completely down to hear all of it.

We only just managed to get the bus on time. "Great time management of yours." Alex joked before settling down to play games on his phone.

I put on some music to listen to. Over the summer I had finally decided to make a playlist of all of my favorite ABBA songs, and it was probably my favorite playlist ever.

Staring out of the window, I felt happy to finally see everything and everyone, but I couldn't help but feel scared of the new students.

There were three classes in my grade, A, B and C. I was in the B-class. Alex was in the C-Class, along with most of the people in our friend group.

There were supposed to be 5 new students, and I was really hoping most of them would be in my class. I liked everyone in my class, but I didn't really have a best friend in it. So maybe that would change it all.

Alex and I got out of the metro we had changed into a while ago. Now we just had to walk a while.

I took out my headphones, and Alex put his phone in his pocket. "Holy shit, we're so early! I bet the teachers probably aren't even there yet."

I just rolled my eyes. "Come on, there's no way the teachers won't already be there. Fine, it's only 7:20 a.m. but school starts at 8. You can get ready for your subjects!"

He didn't seem to like my idea. "Or you can play more video games if you want." Alex's face lit up.

We walked to the third floor, which was where both our classrooms were. Then we had to part into separate directions though, so we decided to meet at lunch, like always.

I walked the last few meters to my classroom and pressed the door handle down. Locked.

The teachers still had to unlock the rooms. So I just sat down beside the door to wait.

After a while a girl came towards me. She looked around nervously, then read the door sign and sat down next to me after a while.

She was so pretty...

Brown eyes, shoulder-long blonde hair and a light green dress. I loved her style.

Shit. I had to say something. Come on, Rose!

"Are you a new student here?"

Okay. Chill. Pretty basic question but okay for starters I guess.

"Um, yeah. This is the room for class 10B, isn't it?"

Dang. Her voice was so sweet. I had to stop thinking about her...

"Yeah, you're right here."

Awkward silence.

"So do you know anyone here yet?"

"Nope. I'm kinda scared everyone will hate me if I'm honest." she said, laughing.

I smiled. "Trust me, no one will hate you. You're now part of one of the kindest classes ever. And if you need anything, you can always come to me."

"Thanks. My name's Emily by the way, and yours?"

Her name fitted. I tried to blurt mine out. "I'm... Rose. Rose Danvers."

She just smiled at me.

Did I have a new friend? I think I did.


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