~ final ~

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(Rose POV)

Breakfast was passable.

Not the best, but passable.

All together, better than anything my father had made pre-divorce.

To be honest, I was loving his new house. It was big, and he also had a small garden where he grew vegetables.

Now I was standing in the kitchen and making avocado toast for myself.

My father and Donna were talking to each other, about casual stuff.

They had never met, so they desperately had to catch up (by my orders).

I took my toast and walked into the living room with it.

My father was busy laughing at a joke Donna had clearly made.

I sat down next to them and started eating my toast.

"So Rose. Give me a life update. What do you like doing, how are your grades, is there anything you're really passionate about?"

I was about to ask him why he was asking all that, but then I remembered he hadn't seen me for about ten years.

"Well I like music a lot. And I sometimes go Stand-Up Paddling at lakes near our new town. My grades are good. I'm the best one out of all my friends. And I don't think there's anything I'm really passionate about just yet."

"I mean, at least that's a good start." My dad shrugged. "And after all the pressure I put on you, I don't expect any more."

I smiled. "You don't have to apologise. You changed for the better."

My phone started ringing.

I took it out of my pocket in surprise.

It was Emily.

I answered immediately.

"Emily? What's up!"

"Rose! Where exactly are you? At your dad's?"

I nodded, then remembered she couldn't see me. "Yeah. Why?"

"Perfect. Anthony, she's at Lakeford Lane."

A man in the background said something and then Emily spoke again. "We're leaving. Be there in, say an hour?"

"More." The guy in the background said.

"More than an hour. See you then."

And she hung up.

I sighed loudly.

"What's the matter?" My father asked from the kitchen.

I just shook my head. "Nothing. You'll see."

I ate breakfast and went up to my room, where I got a call from my mother, who was apologising for nearly everything.

I didn't even listen to half of it, mainly because I just didn't care.

While she was talking, I got out some sheets of paper and started writing on the final page of my huge essay. It was due in three months.

Only about an hour after that, there was a knock on my door.

I turned around, but I hardly saw anything, because someone had attacked me with hugs and thrown herself onto the floor for with me.

I was showered with kisses from Emily. At first I just smiled, but then I started to have a little fight with her.

We rolled around on the floor for a while, trying to tackle each other, but in the end we both just stood up.

"Why did you have to leave me?" Emily smiled sadly.

"I needed some space. You know, just to try and heal a bit."

Donna walked up the stairs. "Rose, Anthony wants to see you!" She yelled.

"Who is Anthony?" I called back.

"You'll see." Was all she said.

I slowly walked down the stairs to see a short man sitting at the table with my father.

He smiled when he saw me. "This must be Rose. I must say, your daughter is really pretty!"

My dad laughed. "She always was."

Donna came back downstairs. Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying.

"And who might you be?" Anthony asked her.

"That's Donna." I quickly said.

"I thought Donna was only on Kalokairi." Anthony laughed.

"Believe me, I wish I could be right now." Donna sighed. "My husband is yelling at me and my son absolutely hates me. Why can't I just adopt Rose?"

My father grinned. "I refuse to believe she's always like this. After all, I gave up the parenting part, so I haven't seen her in a few years. But you're always welcome here, darling."

I didn't know if he meant me or Donna. When I looked at her, she looked as confused as I was.

I took Emily's hand and walked into the garden with her.

We sat down amongst all of the plants, and there we talked for hours.

Until our parents had finished talking, until the sun set behind us and until the sky was filled with stars.

And when we tried to see constellations, I realised that this was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. No one else.


Thank you so much for reading this story. I hope you all enjoyed it. Check soon for extra chapters!
-the author <3

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