• Chapter 7 •

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(Emily POV)

I mean, the plus side of the situation was that I could still talk normally to Rose after what had happened.

But that was the least of my worries now.

I was about to see baby kittens being born.

And I had to find a bowl and fill it with milk.

Question was, where the hell was all that stuff in this giant house?

I wandered into the kitchen, where Grace was already standing at the sink, filling up her tub.

She turned around at me and smiled. "Em!"

I just smiled back and looked through the cupboards.

"What are you looking for?" Grace asked.

"A bowl to fill with milk." I replied.

Grace opened a drawer and took out a bowl. "Milk is in the fridge. Thank me later."

"I'm thanking you now." I said.

She just smiled as she concentrated on her own task.

I opened the fridge and found the milk.

A few seconds later Grace and I walked out of the kitchen with our bowls.

Rose was just helping Max and Alex build a nest. The two had found a cardboard box and the trio was now padding it out with old newspaper.

Alex tried to lift the cat in, but he got hissed at. "Jeez!"

"Give her to me." Rose said and lifted her into the little nest.

"Cats usually want privacy while giving birth. So we should leave. Maybe we can put the milk into the box, it would probably take up space though. Shit. I don't know. I'm gonna call a vet." Rose said and ran out of the room.

Maggie ran after her. I looked after them confused.

"Maggie has a dog and therefore knows a vet." Grace explained.

"But now that Rose is gone, I need to get something off my chest." Alex said.

"Did you kiss Rose?" I rolled my eyes. "Did you kiss Grace in the cupboard?"

It was awful quiet after that. I think all three of us knew the answers to the questions.

"You kissed Rose?" Max said after a while.

I had completely forgotten he was there. Shit.

"It was a dare." I responded.

"A dare where you could have kissed anyone, and yet you chose Grace." Alex grinned.

I flipped him off. "That was only because I thought she was the one that was most likely gonna be alright with it."

"Why? Because she's lesbian?" Alex asked, still grinning at me.

My mouth opened, and then closed.

Max was pretty quiet afterwards.

I felt kinda sorry for him and embarrassed by myself at the same time.

Maggie and Rose came in a few minutes later. Which was good. Because I couldn't stand the silence any longer.

I felt so guilty. I just wanted to tell Alex that I wasn't using her. And maybe Rose too. Most importantly Rose. But was it even true?

Rose walked past me and Grace. She ruffled Max's hair and sat down next to him.

"Vet's on the way. Luckily Maggie called her's, and she agreed to come."

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