~ Chapter 16 ~

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TW: Mental Abuse and Overdose on Drugs

(Rose POV)

I was getting ready for the school dance.

Should I keep my hair up or down?

I decided to keep it down.

The dress I had chosen at the start of the school year had never looked better.

It gave me Cinderella Vibes if I'm honest, but I still liked it a lot.

I normally never wore make-up, but for today I decided to do my best to look pretty for at least one day.

If Emily would have heard that she would have told me I was beautiful whether I was wearing make-up or not, and deep down I knew it too, but I couldn't help but think of my father.

He didn't want me to mind about my beauty. He just wanted me to study.

I sighed and started applying the contour to my skin.

I could surely be pretty for one day, couldn't I?


"Pretty dress, Rose!" Ms. Gale told me.

"Thanks." I answered in response and she walked on.

I was waiting for Emily. Surely she should be here by now?

I checked my phone and started to type a message, when someone tapped my back.

I turned around to see Emily standing there.

She was wearing a short pink dress. It really accentuated her figure.

I smiled at her. "You look beautiful."

"Bitch, look at yourself! That dress is stunning!"

"So what did you tell your parents?" I wanted to know.

"Eh, I just told them I was going for the vibe. They didn't have dances like this in my old school. And technically it's not a lie. I am going for the vibe. Just getting the full experience." She grinned and took my hand.

We sat down at a free table and waited for our friends.

Grace and Alex had matching outfits.

Grace was wearing a beige dress and Alex was wearing a beige suit.

Maggie wore a simple black dress, all by herself. She was pretty much the 5th wheel in our friend group.

Emily turned around to me. "Emo." She whispered.

I laughed, but I didn't feel like laughing.

"Anyone know where the food here is?" I asked to distract myself from what Emily had said.

"Yeah. I'll show you where it is." Maggie said and grabbed my arm to pull me into the crowd.

"Rose. This is a code red. I saw my dad and your mum together in a car." she whispered.

"What? Like Tom Holland and Zendaya?" I asked.

"Yeah, but worse! What the hell are we gonna do?"

"I'm sure it's not that bad. Let's just leave them for now and focus on getting you a dance partner." I grinned and pulled her back to our friends.

"Come on guys, the music is on, so let's dance!" I yelled and pulled all of them onto the dance floor.

Want me to be honest? I was only feeling the dances because they kicked off with Abba.

Hasta Mañana.

One of the songs on my favorite playlist.

Emily and I were really enjoying ourselves and trying to ignore the people around us.

Then Emily pushed me into a direction.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Maggie and some guy are arguing." She answered.

I turned around. "Shit. Wait here." I said and ran towards Maggie.

"You stupid little whore! So you made me believe we could actually be something when you knew all along that that would never happen?" The guy yelled.

"Hey, what's the matter here?" I asked and stood next to Maggie.

The guy turned around to face me. "Rose."

"Bill. Would you care to explain what you're doing?"

"Sure. This bitch, the person you call your best friend, wrote me a message telling me she's asexual and proceeded to ignore me everywhere I went until now. I wanted answers and she's not giving me them." He ranted.

"It sounded a lot like you calling her names. Inconsiderate of her side of the story. We were playing truth or dare. Her dare was to tell you that. Chill the fuck out." I tried to calm him.

"How is this even any of your business?" Bill yelled.

I sighed. "I'm her half-sister. Anything that concerns her concerns me too. And trust me, I will slap you if you don't back off right now."

Maggie almost laughed, but Bill was taking it seriously. He mumbled something and walked away.

"Wow. You're really taking the sisters-thing seriously." Maggie grinned.

"And you seem to be taking the dance partner thing into the wrong direction."

Maggie's smile disappeared. "Yeah, I didn't ask to talk to him. He just came."

"It's fine. You can come and dance with me and Em." I said and pulled her into the crowd.

"Rose, stop. I think I need... fresh air." Maggie said and ran off.


She stood there and cried.

Not because of what had happened.

She wasn't that weak.

But she felt like her whole life was falling apart.

Her dad moving on so fast.

The guy she thought she loved being the reason she found out she was asexual.

She just didn't understand how this was how god wanted her to live her life. If he even existed.

Surely he wanted her to live happily with her family. Her biological family.

She knew if she would talk to anyone about that, they would tell her that everything happened for a reason.

But so far that reason seemed to be that whoever was in charge wanted her to die a miserable life.

So Maggie did her usual when she felt like her life was about to come to an end.

She sat down in a quiet corner and pulled out a bag she had gotten from a senior of her school.

The few seconds of complete nothingness didn't scare her this time.

In fact, she wanted more.

Maggie wasn't addicted. She just found comfort in drugs sometimes.

And this time, she didn't listen to her instinct when it told her to stop.


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