• Chapter 2 •

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(Emily POV)

Wow. First day of school and I was already sitting next to someone. (Rose and I had decided to sit next to each other in class. She was a really nice girl.)

I loved her style, she wore ripped jeans and a cute crop top. It wasn't that cropped if I'm honest, but you could still see part of her stomach. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't in good shape.

Her hair was a bit longer than mine, and the colour was also a little darker than mine. She probably used to have blonde hair growing up, but now it was more of a light brown.

Her eyes were a mix of dark blue and grey, and soon I learned that if you look into them for a long time, you can see a bit of green in them.

She seemed really nice, maybe a bit shy, but the kind of shy that is only shy towards people they don't know. Actually that type is really extroverted around people they know. How I know that so well? Because that type is me.

"So you like doing sports?" I asked her.

She looked a bit confused. "Not all sports, I like water sports more than other types of sports. But I also enjoy going to the gym sometimes. Why do you ask?"

"You just looked like the type that is very active." I lied. I didn't want to intimidate her by telling her that I'd been staring at her.

A few more people came along and started talking to Rose, so I just got out my sketchbook and started drawing a flower.

I didn't even realize it was a rose until I needed colours.

By that time a teacher had come to open up the room, and Rose and I looked for a place to sit.

"Let's sit far back, but not too far." she suggested.

I laughed. "Great description!"

She went a little red.

"Well I want to be able to talk, but not so that the teachers hear. And I also want to be able to listen to what the teachers are saying, so not too far back. How about this seat?" She pointed to a third-row seat.

We took it.

"Is the teacher nice?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's alright. You'll probably have to introduce yourself though, so think of some things to say."

I made a shocked face. "Bro I'm so boring, what should I say!"

Rose laughed. "I'm sure you're not boring. You seem to like drawing a lot, so just say that. And if it's really that bad for you, I can go and talk to Mrs. Gale too."

I felt kind of touched. "Thanks." I said quietly and smiled at her.

Mrs. Gale came into the classroom.

"Hello 10B! As you have probably realized, we have acquired one of the five new students. She is sitting right there with Rose, our science nerd. Please welcome Emily Smith!"

Rose started clapping, which made everyone else clap. I looked at her and she grinned at me.

"Please come up front and introduce yourself, Emily!" Mrs. Gale said.

I nervously stood up and walked to the front.

"Hi, I'm Emily. I'm fourteen and I like art and drawing a lot."

"So how do you know Rose, Emily?"

"I only met her about half an hour ago."

"Interesting. So you like art, huh? I teach art. What type of drawing do you enjoy the most?"

"Um, I like drawing people and plants."

Rose smiled at me. I nervously smiled back.

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing your drawings in my art class! Please return to your seat!"

I went back to my sit down. "You did great!" Rose said.

"Why did you have to start clapping?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Just felt like it." She said, grinning at me again.

"...as clearly some people, like our dearest Rose, still have to learn." Mrs. Gale suddenly said.

Rose looked up. "Emily just had a question about the break times." She said as if it were natural.

"If Emily had been listening, her question would have been answered exactly two minutes ago. Explain how that adds up, please."

"Yeah, that's just it. She didn't catch that part properly, so she asked me." Damn, that girl was really selling her part.

Mrs. Gale still didn't look convinced. I guess she's known Rose for longer.

After a staring contest with Rose, she resumed her talk. We just exchanged looks from that point on.


"How can you lie so naturally? I would have freaked out if I had been in your situation!" I confronted her in the first break.

Rose just smiled. "I have three siblings. You practically have to learn to lie if you want to live."

I rolled my eyes at her.

In the second lesson Mrs. Gale was explaining about all events this year, including a school dance and a giant essay we were meant to write. Rose had obviously already thought about that, because she had already been to ask a few teachers whether they would supervise her.

As I had absolutely no idea what to write, I decided to ask Mrs. Gale in the lunch break.

Rose said she was going to the cafeteria to meet her friends and that I could just join her when I was done.

So I walked up to Mrs. Gale. "Hello Mrs. Gale. I was just wondering if you supervise people for the big essay?"

"Of course I do! Are you looking to write about art?" I nodded.

"Okay, do you already have a topic? Because that would be the first thing I would need. You need to study something."

"Umm, could I study people? Like talk to different people and draw them in different styles and stuff?"

"That sounds good to start off. Think of a title and an explicit thing to do, and then write an E-Mail to tell me."

I thanked her and made my way to the cafeteria with my lunch.


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