~ Chapter 6 ~

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(Rose POV)

It was the weekend. Which meant no school. Which meant I could have friends around.

I had already asked the gc if they wanted to come around, and they all said they were coming, so I was excited.

Vera and Amalia were staying at a friends house and Max was playing in his room. My mum was at an important meeting in a different city, so that problem was solved.

Rosey Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
If you guys want to you can stay the night

I'm down


I'd have to ask

Dad says it's fine

Rosie Baby❤️‍🔥🌹
Bring some snacks if you want
Oh and you don't need any mattresses or anything like that, we have enough


The first person to show up was Alex. He basically showed up as soon as I had texted.

We messed around a lot, and it was fun.

After a while Gracie and Em came. "My father and I drove past Em, so we decided to pick her up." Gracie informed us.

Maggie was last. She brought a lot of snacks. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot.

We had Haribo's, three sorts of chocolate, every sort of crisps that ever existed and so much more.

Em informed me that she was allowed to stay the night, and so the trouble started.

First we messed around in our pool, which was fun, especially as Alex always tried to push people into the pool but always ended up falling in himself.

We then watched a movie, or rather they watched a movie while I made cookies.

After bringing some up to Max and making sure he was okay, we retreated into my room.

For dinner we ordered pizza (making sure to order some for Max too so that he didn't feel alone) and ate it in my room.

Afterwards we just sat there.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Maggie said.

"No. Don't you dare." I murmured.

"Truth or dare would be pretty awesome." she finished.

Everyone agreed, so I just agreed too. I knew what was awaiting me if I dared to take dare when Maggie was in charge and asked me.

First it started off pretty simple. Yelling things, acting dumb in front of Max and so on.

Then it got more... sexual.

"Alex, I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Grace in Rose's lesbian cave." Maggie said as if it was normal.

"No! Anywhere but there! Do it in my closet, but my lesbian cave is my lesbian cave!"

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