~ Chapter 13 ~

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(Rose POV)

I was in the hospital for two days.

And those two days were the longest of my life.

Maggie was there with me the entire time. Her father had excused her from school. To be honest I don't know how they had managed to arrange that, but I didn't want to question her dad's ways.

My mother had to work, but in the visiting times she was always there with Amalia, Vera, Max, Alex, Grace and Jeffrey, Maggie's father.

The only person that never visited me was Emily.

I mean I get it, she couldn't exactly say she was going to visit me at the hospital, but she could have at least tried to come by to say sorry.

Technically it wasn't her fault, but if she hadn't kissed me... forget that. I don't want to think about her.

The days were fun enough without Emily. Even though my entire face hurt, Maggie still found fun things for us to do.

The food in the hospital was awful, so during the visiting times Maggie would sneak out to get us some edible food.

And then at night we'd snack our food and talk for ages.

I was so glad to have Maggie. She was the definition of a true friend.

And then, on my third day, I was finally released after a final check-up.

"You seem to be doing fine. The stitches are healing up nicely, and as long as you leave the wounds alone, nothing should happen." The doctor told me.

When I walked out of the room, finally back in my own clothes, my mother and Jeffrey were already waiting for us.

A/N: Maggie's father will be called Jeffrey from this point forward. Deal with it.

"Welp, I'm good to go." I informed them.

"Excellent news. But you know what's not so excellent? You two are back in school tomorrow." Jeffrey said.

"Eh, I'm fine with it." I shrugged. Maggie laughed. "Rose, you're gonna be the centre of attention. The tea is going to be hot, and it's gonna be up to you how much you spill. Grace and Alex have tried to keep quiet about it, but it's pretty difficult."

"Come on Mags, it can't be that bad." I shrugged it off.

Turns out it was that bad.


I walked into school the next day. The first thing I noticed was a pride flag and some writing above it: "WE ACCEPT EVERYONE AS THEY ARE."

I sighed. It was nice that now it was official, and I really hoped it would help others come out, but if what Maggie said was true and they knew what had happened? Not a chance.

But that wasn't the worst part.

As soon as I walked into the classroom all eyes were on me and in seconds I was surrounded by people.

I just tried to make my way to my table with Emily, which seemed to surprise most of the people, as she was sitting at the table.

"Rose, are you sure you want to sit next to her?" "After what she did?" "You can always sit next to me!" random voices said. I was too tired to identify them.

"Could we have some privacy please?" I half-yelled.

In an instant it was quiet and the people cleared off and concentrated on their own stuff.

"Hi." I said and threw my bag onto the table.

Emily looked up at me and then looked down again.

"I don't blame you for anything." I said quietly.

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