~ Chapter 12 ~

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TW: Violence

(Rose POV)

I scrolled.

Day after day I just sat here on my bed, scrolling from one TikTok to another TikTok.

I guess that was my life now.

Boring and repetitive.

Sometimes I'd laugh at a TikTok, but then I'd scroll on after adding it to my favorites, and it would all reset.

At night I worked on my essay for school.

It was gonna be great, I just knew it.

There was a knock on my door.

I closed TikTok. "Come in!"

The door opened and I was faced with my mother.

"Hello Rose. How are you doing?"

I shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

She sat down next to me. "You still watching TikTok every day?"

I nodded. "But at night I'm always working on my essay."

My mother just sighed. "You can't keep this up, Rose. It's unhealthy." "Don't you think I know that, mum?" I said, my voice shaking.

She smiled sadly. "Then we have to find you some distractions. For example, we still have to get a Christmas tree, but I have a meeting soon. Max said he wanted to go, but he's a bit young to go by himself. I'll give you the money."

"Fine." I murmured and got up.

I have to move on. I can't keep this up. If even my mum is telling me my schedule is unhealthy, then it must be. Because my mum's schedule is a pure disaster.


"So, which one do you like?" I asked Max a bit later.

He was looking around for the perfect tree.

"That one." he said and pointed to a tree not so far away.

I ran towards it, seeing a man eyeing our tree.

But I got there faster, which made him swear at me.

"Can't you see I was gonna take that tree?" he yelled at me angrily.

I shrugged. "Can't you see I've got it now?"

The man's face was like a tomato.

Max came up and hugged me. "Thanks Rose. It's gonna be perfect."

"Oh, is that your son?" the man shook his head. "Teenagers these days..."

"He's my brother. Besides, I'm lesbian." I informed the man and was about to walk off when I bumped into someone.



"Didn't expect to see you here." I said calmly yet annoyed.

"I'm just here with my dad..." she said, before looking at the man behind me and stopping mid-sentence.

"Wait. You're the lesbian that kissed Emily?" the man yelled.

"First off, she kissed me-" "Do I look like I give a damn?" "I mean, you asked..."

The man yelled something and grabbed Emily. "Come on, let's go. And remember the rule."

She nodded and walked after him.

I stood there looking at her for a second, but then I realized she wasn't gonna turn around.

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