~ Chapter 15 ~

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(Rose POV)

"Here are two pictures. One is your locker, the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?"

"Fuck! The biscuits!" I said and jumped up.

I should have known I would forget about them. That always happened.

Luckily the biscuits were still good.

Well, at least Grace tried one and said it was "not that bad for your baking skills".

We decorated the biscuits and put them on a pretty plate.

Grace then insisted on dancing to Katy Perry, so I volunteered as DJ (and got pulled onto the dance floor almost immediately).

Suddenly the music got turned off.

We turned around to see my mum standing there.

"Jeffrey and Maggie are coming around. Is that fine?"

Grace and I looked at each other. "That's more than fine! We'll have a girl's night!" Grace yelled.

"What about Emily?" my mother asked.

"You know she can't come, mum." I told her.

"I could drive to the Smith's house. I could talk to her parents."

"Mum, no. What if something happens to you? Something even worse than what happened to me?"

"Relax, Rose. I'm an adult. I'll do whatever I want when I want to. And right now I think talking is the best solution here."

"Mum, please. I really don't want to get into any more trouble than necessary."

My mum just laughed. "Whatever you say, boss!"

I suddenly got a phone call.

A phone call from Emily.

I just stood there in shock.

"Well come on, answer it!" my mum urged me.

Trembling, I pressed the green button.

"...hi. We were just talking about you-" "Rose, don't freak out, but I'm in front of your house. Can we talk?"

I stayed silent for a moment, until I noticed she was awaiting a response.

"Yeah sure. I'll just... I'll be right there." I said and hung up.

I opened my front door and went outside.

Standing there, in just a thin jacket, was Emily.

"Rose, I'm so sorry to have to do it like this again. But I just wanted to tell you that I love you over everything in the world, and that not even my dad can change that. I'm sorry for everything you had to go through, and I really wish we could just be ourselves. But I know that will never happen, not as long as my parents are around."

I nodded. "I can get rid of them for you if you want to. I know a guy." I offered.

Emily looked confused, but then she laughed. "I wouldn't put it past you to do it yourself."

"Anything so you can live the life you want to live." I said, fully aware I sounded like a simp.

"Aww!" Emily said and kissed me on the forehead. "You're so sweet!"

"Not to everyone." I responded, which almost made her cry. What can I say. I have an emotional girlfriend.

"By the way, the school dance is in a few days..." I started.

"Yeah?" Emily smiled.

"Wanna go together? Just to show the people we give zero fucks what people want from us?"

That actually made Emily cry. "I'd love to."

She almost fell over in the grass, so I pulled her into a hug.

Around us, it started to snow.

For the first time in years.


"How come you've even got the opportunity to be here, Emily?" my mum asked her.

"I was at a sleepover with one of my friends from french class. She always covers for me when I go somewhere else, so I thought I would try and come back here." Emily told us.

"That was very brave of you, but I would probably go back now. Not that we don't want you here, but I don't want to get you into even more trouble, dear." my mum explained.

"I know, I just wanted to see Rose privately. Without anyone else there."

I smiled. "By the way, Emily, who is Isaac?"

Grace stopped mid-movement.

The door opened. "I'd like to know that too!" Maggie yelled across the room.

Emily sighed. "Don't get me started on Isaac. We used to date, but he was an asshole and we broke up. My parents know that, they just use him to bribe me away from people who might potentially turn into my significant other."

"Ouch, that must suck." Grace said.

"It does." Emily mumbled.

"So Emily, tell me the address of your friend and I'll go and drive you back. I don't want to risk the anger of your father."

Emily laughed. "That sounds like you're dating him!"

My mum laughed too. "Luckily not."

"My friend lives near here. Well, a few miles away. But it's okay, I can just walk back."

"A few miles?!? I'm driving you there. Over and out."
"Lucy, please. Let me. My car is still out, yours is in the garage." Jeffrey offered.

"You're so cute, Jeffrey. Sure, you can drive us." My mum smiled.

Maggie and I shot each other confused and disgusted looks.

When Emily, my mum and Jeffrey had left, Maggie and I burst out laughing.

"You're so cute, Jeffrey! Please, Marry me!" Maggie said in a high-pitched voice.

"Come on, Lucy, it's too much effort in your car. Let me take you in mine so I can kiss you later." I said in a low voice.

"Oh come on you two, if they get together you'll be siblings! Wouldn't that be cool?" Grace tried to charm us.

"Siblings? With her? No thanks." Maggie said.

"I've already got enough siblings. I don't need another one." I answered back.

"Come on, you both know it'd be pretty cool." Grace smiled.

"My mother is too busy for dating."

"My father is too cool for dating. Besides, it's only been six or seven years. I don't know if he's ready for the commitment."

"Yeah, it's been longer since my mum left my dad. I don't know if she's ready for another man like him."

"Man like him?!? My father does not do drugs."

"Yeah, come on Rose, you know Jeffrey is pretty cool." Grace interrupted our argument.

"Do I look like I give a fuck? I still don't want my mum dating someone I don't know properly."

"Well that's not really your decision to make, sweetie." The door opened and my mother and Jeffrey walked in.


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