~ Chapter 4 ~

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(Rose POV)

"I don't know why you're mad. At least now you know you have a chance." Alex said while we were walking home.

"Oh come on. She basically said that I'm interested. I know you would be mad if it were you."

Alex shrugged. "I guess, but you should see the positive sides."

"The only side I'm seeing right now is the side of eternal doom." I slammed the gate open and closed it, leaving Alex to walk to his house by himself.

"How was school?" my mum asked. "It was okay-ish."

I ran up to my room. I needed to be alone now.

As soon as I got there, I sat down in a cardboard fort my little brother had made for me. He had cut a hole into a giant box, had coloured it in the colours of the lesbian flag and built some shelves on the inside. It was really sweet of him.

I had hung a lesbian pride flag in front of it so that not everyone could look right in.

I sat down, then decided to go back out and turn on some ABBA-music. I had four CDs, and today I decided to take the third. It had (some of) the best songs.

I sang to The Winner Takes It All and danced to Elaine and Super Trouper.

Then it was Lay All Your Love On Me. I sat down on my bed and half-yelled the lyrics.


I was dancing around, mainly just having a good time, and when the beat dropped I got a notification.

Still singing, I went to get my phone. I almost dropped it when I saw the notification was from Emily.


Hey, how r u doing

Fine ig...
Just vibing to my fav music

And what kind of music would that be

Please tell me you know who they are

Yeah I'm gonna have to disappoint you there😬😬

I'm shocked
You haven't lived if you don't know ABBA

Well then introduce me
I can learn quickly

That last one was sus
I'll remember that for later
Also I forgot to ask you
Did Mrs. Gale say yes?

I'm gonna be writing something on art

Welp 2morrow is the first real day of school so I hope you're prepared for physics and maths

Oh god no
I hate maths and physics lol


"Rose! Time for dinner!" My mum called out.

I put off my music and then texted Em that I was going to dinner.


"So, did you get any of the new students in your class?" My mum asked.

"Yeah, one. The rest went into the A."

"Cool! What's their name?"

"Emily. She's into art and stuff. We're sitting next to each other and she's part of my friend group in school."

"So now the Quartett is broken?" my little sister Vera asked.

"No, it just got a new member." I comforted her.

"So you two seem to get along. That's nice." My mum said giving me a look.

"Stop it mum. I've barely known her a day."

"I'm just saying, never say no."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Max, did you find any friends in your class?" I asked my little brother."

"Why would you wanna know, you private-school-snob?" Amalia, my other sister, asked.

"Amalia! She's your sister!" my mum hissed.

"I'm just saying, she could have gone to our school."

"Looking at the amount of racism, bullying and homophobia at your school, I wouldn't dream of going there. Besides, school life is great without you idiots around."

We all started arguing.

"Guys, that's enough." my mum said, which made everyone quiet at once.

"Thanks for asking, Rose, I just stuck with the people from my old school for now." my little brother responded.

Suddenly there was a knock at our door.

I went to get it.

It was Alex standing in the pouring rain.

"My parents are kinda arguing a lot. I got annoyed so I yelled at them and stormed off dramatically, but now I'm hungry and wet-" "Just come in."

I closed the door and Alex came and sat down.

"Hi Ms. D! Oh boy that sounded wrong."

Amalia started laughing.

My mother was used to him coming to our house uninvited. I mean, his parents weren't exactly a treat. But in the last few weeks it had gotten so bad that he even had an own room in our house.

At some point in the holidays my mother had gone to his house, yelled at his parents and told them that if they didn't change their ways, she would adopt Alex and sue them.

My mother is kind of a badass. She had an on-and-off-relationship for quite a while, and every time the relationship was on, a new child was created. But a while back, when I was about 5 and my little brother had just been born, she got promoted to CEO of the company she worked for.

She moved into a completely new town, changed her number and part of her name and never looked back.

And now she's a single mum with 4 kids, a massive house and thousands of men at her feet.

But the thing that makes my mum different is that she saves her money. Not just for all of us, but also for herself. She doesn't wear the best clothes, doesn't drive the fanciest car, doesn't have the most expensive jewelry. And that's what I like most about her. She's rich, but she doesn't immediately show it.

Alex was allowed to eat his dinner with us. Then my mum took him home to "go talk with his parents", as she called it. Oh boy.

I went up to bed. Tomorrow me, Alex, Grace, Maggie and Emily were going to go to the city to get lunch.


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