Extra Chapter: breakup

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"Hi." I said as I answered the phone.

"Hi." My boyfriend on the other line answered.

There was a short moment of silence.

"Grace, I'm just gonna be real with you. I'm too busy with my own life right now to be able to be in a relationship."

I smiled, even though my heart was broken.

It wasn't exactly like I hadn't been expecting it. Alex had been very distant in the past few weeks.

But no matter what had happened, I still hoped this would work out some way or other.

"Okay." I just answered quietly.

"That's it? That's all you're gonna say?" Alex asked me surprised.

"Mhm." I was still smiling, but my voice was breaking and the tears started showing up on my cheeks.

"I can hear you're crying, Grace." Alex said softly.

I sighed and tried not to sniff too loudly.

It was embarrassing.

"I'm fine. It's probably for the better anyway." I tried to say.

"Grace, don't get me wrong. I still love you-"

"Alex, please don't say that. It's just more hurtful."

Alex was quiet. "Well, I've got to go now." He said after a while.

That hurt me even more. Like he couldn't waste a few minutes to stand by me.

I hung up, as he wasn't intending to do so.

Somehow I was relieved, but then the tears came.

The tears I had been holding in for such a long time.

All at once.

Nothing lasts forever, and sometimes that's better.


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